Isaac Newton's Haircut

I hate the Republican party and especially the Texas GOP. But I can see how Joe Straus being against this tactic makes some sort of sense. The man is famously the last of the “moderate” Republicans, who was beloved by a lot of Texas politicians on both sides of the aisle. Dude was all about civility. He was pro-public

I think most ppl would be surprised to learn that Asians are the group most likely to be victims of violent crime (of course you’d never know this b/c the mainstream media doesn’t give a crap about us). Has anyone here even heard about the 7 Lao women who were killed in California?

A lot of people think that anti-Asian racism either doesn’t exist, doesn’t matter, or they will get away with it.

Why do you feel the need to share this information? “I won’t vote for either one because <random left-wing trope> is standard voter-suppression propaganda. Are you showing off or just lying?

So he can do these radio interviews but not a virtual debate?

Trump gets whatever he wants because he will badger the fuck out of people, whining, threatening, complaining, yelling, and he simply wears people out. I grew up with someone like this, and and it’s upsetting, exhausting, and also horrific.

The difference between Trump and most of the others on this list is how many high-risk categories he falls into: age, BMI, and--as we now know from his tax returns--low income.

“Divided allegiance?” So next week he’ll attack Biden’s Catholicism?

Ukraine’s region of Crimea was annexed by Russia on February 20, 2014, just two days after this photo was taken on February 18.

The funny thing is, if someone who REALLY didn’t want to wear a mask were to politely and patiently tell a store employee that they had a medical difficulty that they would rather not talk about they would probably be fine provided they went discretely about their business or accepted the many alternatives stores

The Trump campaign strategy at this point is to energize his base (white people, particularly bigots) and try to keep Democrat turnout very low.

Came to say this. ^ not all k-pop fans are from Korea. 

No one from another country reserved tickets. Kpop fans are in the US.

In fairness, these folks also believe that placing trash in designated receptacles is an assault on their freedoms outlined in their version of the Constitution.

this is our administrations version of the chinese whistleblower doctor, shameful

This sure doesn’t look like America First.

I’m as gung-ho as anyone to see him gone, but come on: Trump was not “ousted out of office” by the House vote. He was essentially indicted, if you need to rephrase it for some reason. Can we please speak with precision about this? There is already a disturbingly large contingent of people who don’t understand how

Trump – there was a painter!

90% of quality is from the lens, 10% from the sensor. The sensor is really more about features than image quality these days. The math for how an image looks is very dependent on the shape/size of the lens. You cant cheat physics.