Isaac Newton's Haircut

They should build a wall and get Hormel to pay for it!

It’s not about math or truth, it’s about who they see as being “this country”.

Doesn’t matter that Eric is full of shit.

I think his statement checks out.

I like how the shifter color options are black, white, and shiba inu, lol 🐶

I really wonder if a lot of these “blunders” are intentional. Constantly lying he is able to create as much drama as he wants. Ones like this desensitize people so when we have big things happen, the numbers seem smaller. It is all manipulation to him. Trump knows if he dominates the news cycle he can manipulate

Well, we’ll get some of the benefits when we eat the rich, I guess.

Driven monthly.  Period.

Not an option. All the best tailors are immigrants or black*, neither of which being people Trump wants to associate with, or in many cases, who would want to associate with Trump.

and in one of the strangest alterations, Trump’s fingers have been made slightly longer.

Prayer rugs or flying carpets? Need a higher wall!

Or sell stock.  That was another of his handy money making tips, for young struggling families.  

I work for an affected agency and Republicans are by far the majority in my group. They are all staunch supporters as well, and it would genuinely surprise me if this shutdown changes how they feel about him even a little bit.

Depends. If they were staunch supporters before, they most likely still are. He’s lost a lot of the Shy Trump Voter support, but anyone who’s been 100% ride or die for him since 2016 is still very much on board, I bet.

Not sure, haven’t seen em for a few days...

You’re completely missing the point. It was not Dump’s call to make whether or not he spoiled that poor kid’s innocence. Unless he thought he was being pranked or something, there was no call for that nonsense on Christmas, even IF seven is too old to be believing in Santa.

I do believe the issue isn’t that Trump told the truth to a kid who you’ve deemed old enough to know that truth (whether or not you’re right, or whether or not you even get to make the call in the first place, is debatable).

Is there nothing too evil for this administration?