Isaac Newton's Haircut

We need a trans person to snag a sponsorship deal with a gun manufacturer. That’ll get all the wingnuts to get rid of their guns.

I remember when we were scandalized (well, maybe not, it was more of a collective eye-roll) to learn that Sarah Palin would become a grandmother at 44. Boebert’s got that beat by a mile.

I guess Rudy Giuliani should stay away from Texas, then.

The boobonic plague.

There’s a plaster cast of David at the Victoria & Albert Museum, and they had to add a fig leaf to it so poor Queen Victoria wouldn’t be scandalized.

Musk’s plan to reach $250 billion:

Jewish space lasers.

Second place is first place for losers. Trump and the rest of MAGAworld need to be reminded of that, loud and often.

It’s from 1984 (the book, not the year).

No “probably” about it. He wants a perp walk, for exactly the reasons you mentioned.

You might enjoy this, then. Somebody’s been using Midjourney to fantasize hard about Trump’s arrest, trial, and incarceration, ending in a Shawshank Redemption-style escape to the nearest McDonald’s.

The last slide is a big clue. Never store onions and potatoes next to each other — it makes the spuds sprout faster.

the use of space is a winner.

McMansion Hell is still posting! And so you must’ve missed where she answered your question:

It fell apart over Texas, not Cancun.

You joke, but they sort of are.

My Internet Detective Hat tells me Castro ran a red light, too, in addition to speeding. I guess being a lawless asshole is a prerequisite to being a cop, huh.

All the children from the commercial are now old enough to be the exact corporate cogs they wished to be. I hope they’re enjoying their careers.

The Constitution of the United States, 14th Amendment, Section 3:

I’m pretty sure he likes to have his something else stroked, too. Perhaps even more.