Isaac Newton's Haircut

Unfortunately, it means you’ll have to drive around town in a Porsche SUV

That header image reminds me of

Boebert, Greene pointed out, just nearly lost her reelection race to a Democrat in a solidly red district (which is probably why Boebert is so aggressively trying to distance herself now from Greene)

This background sure reminds me of the trans flag. Is it a plot hint? Or maybe I’m reading too much into this because, judging from the few snippets seen here, blue and pink get a lot of use in the movie anyway.

You forgot Baked Alaska.

Ads only work when they get your attention. Ergo, it’s impossible for them to not be intrusive.Any attempt to spin this otherwise should be treated with suspicion.

You are actually being greener and doing a good thing for the environment when you block ads.

Didn’t Joseph Smith start a new religion as a way to legitimize him having multiple wives?

G.I. Joke.

This is the man who complains about China stealing intellectual property*. Has he paid the originators of any of these images?

That’s because nobody wants to pay him $99.

Born in 1983, with the hairstyle to prove it.

What is that Halloween costume from anyways?

Don’t be so sure. Two words: Electoral College. Sure, he’s getting less and less popular with voters as a whole, but he may have enough diehard fans, and there may be enough red states, to allow him a victory again.

Not that I disagree*, but I have somewhat of an opposite reaction. Looking only at where I live, the biggest polluter is the local airport. Of course all that air traffic emits huge amounts of greenhouse gases, but its not exactly the airport’s fault per se, you know?

We’ve fucked up the planet, now let’s fuck up the skies.

I think the earlier prognosticators were pretty much only concerned about our ability to feed ourselves. Species extinctions, global warming, and such weren’t on their radar.

While Guilfoyle is indeed shorter than the others, the difference got super exaggerated by standing next to Ivanka, who towered above everyone else in her stripper platforms.

It’s like the captain of the Titanic mocking the iceberg, and the iceberg is getting mad.