Isaac Newton's Haircut

I notice that Robert Kiyosaki is in the speaker lineup. I didn’t know about his political views before. Huh.

Conservatives Humiliate Themselves Defending Herschel Walker

Facts don’t matter to these people (Trump won, COVID is a hoax, etc., etc.), so it’s entirely consistent that they’re blind to Trump’s history of not looking out for anyone but himself.

Needs the Mansory treatment.

“Florida belongs at the bottom of the ocean.”

Rivian headlights:

So Herschel’s scandal timeline goes from secret children to secret non-children?

WaPo did a story about a week ago on Trump and QAnon, which, whatever, completely unsurprising. But this stuck out:

And fat-shaming Chris Christie, too.

They called themselves peaceful racists? So people are now OK to self-identify publicly as racists? I remember the days when racists were at least ashamed enough to not want everyone know they were racists.

Can’t be worse than Uranus.

being required to pay any award over $2 million “would sink us.”

Good thing it wasn’t an F1, where the driver sits right in the middle.

He must have at least a speck of royal blood to be allowed in the same room with the musty monarchy, otherwise they’d likely faint at the first sniff of a commoner.

He’s not using clipless pedals; he’s using toe clips. You slide your foot backwards to get it free.

That’s happened to me. My left foot is the one I put on the ground, and then I shift my weight to the right for balance. Except one time the left shoe refused to disengage (that’s one way to find out your cleats are way too worn, for sure) from the pedal, so I unclipped from the right side, put my foot down, but still

I hate Jesus because he was too dumb to own an arsenal of AR-15s.

A standard reply from high-ranking Republicans after mass shootings is that it isn’t a gun problem, it’s a mental health problem. Conceptually, “mental health problem” and “possessed by demons” really aren’t that far apart, you know.

I’ve already seen people ask why Obama didn’t do anything about gun control. He had eight years! It’s always Obama’s fault.

Did he just mangle the word “gentle” that much?