Isaac Newton's Haircut

What about donating yourself to a body farm? It should be “green,” since you’re just sitting out in the dirt, and you’ll provide valuable data to the scientists who study human decomposition.

Eh, somebody’s trying to downplay it.

The “V” in the nose is certainly similar.

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy recommends always carrying a towel. Seems like good advice.

I think smartphone pinkie is less of a problem than the worrywarts would suggest.

“the system was never really built for all-out obstruction.”

Looks more like a catfish after they took away (or blacked out, I can’t tell) the grille.

Or if the recipe calls for the same amount of different ingredients: one teaspoon of this, one teaspoon of that. Having duplicate measuring spoons on hand helps here.

You got a Target nearby? Cobram Estate is available at my local store. It’s listed on the California Olive Oil Council website as certified for 2020 — there’s only a handful of 2021's, which means either it was a bad year or just that the harvest is too new to be processed yet (hopefully the latter).

The plane crashed just after taking off. Maybe the pilot sensed something was wrong, U-turned to get back to the airport, but didn’t make it that far.

Could be a central tire inflator, too.

nasty calluses that would take a cheese grater to grind off.

The dumbass actually typed the capital letter O (“oh”) instead of the number 0 (zero) for the score. Does he actually think the letter stands for something other than a shorter way of saying “zero for two”?

It’s on the dashboard, 4 o’clock from the steering wheel. In the video, it’s hidden by the bulky center console. I lightened up the photo for clarity. You can see the lock / unlock icons on the fob.

It’s a demonstration of how quickly people who are deep in their own prejudices can jettison their previous stances when they hear anything inconvenient. They’ll proceed to grasp at any straws to keep their own misguided beliefs afloat.

The best part: Bill O’Reilly had to console Trump after he got booed.

This isn’t surprising at all. Here’s a CNN clip from March. Skip ahead to 2:04. (

You can see him carry a mask at the beginning of the video, though, so it’s a mystery why he insisted on wearing the thong instead of putting on the mask he has in hand.

Was he sniffing the thong? Dare I ask?

You’d think that an engineer at a place called the Aerodynamic Research Institute would know this, but apparently not.