It has a very Petit Trianon vibe to it, which I suppose is just on-brand for the Trumps.
It has a very Petit Trianon vibe to it, which I suppose is just on-brand for the Trumps.
I’ve given up on explaining how Social Security isn’t socialism and doesn’t make us communists
He forgets the possibility that some of his sycophants from the last four years will likely want to be president themselves one day, and they won’t hesitate to turn against him when the opportunity comes. He won’t have the entire right-wing media sphere on his side.
So Rudy got the Caronevirus?
Take Rudolph Giuliani. You might think him a man of strong character, based on the confident voice, the cigars, and so on. But he turns out to, apparently, have no real inner strength, none of the internal ethical limits associated with actual character. Instead, he has always been the client-supplicant par…
So Gab is still around, huh. I was wondering what happened to them now that people seem to be paying more attention to Parler.
I hope this blunts Trump’s chances in 2024. You have to think that some of his most devoted current supporters/enablers would like to be president themselves one day.
Noted Conspiracy Theorist May Not Know How to Pronounce QAnon
I was betting on legs.
Tim Wu (law prof at Columbia) has his take on this: Where does lawyering this bad come from?
she got her law degree from Harvard
And, even after being stricken with the disease himself, he hid his illness from the American public.
“I’m only repeating what other people are saying; how should I know if it’s true or not?” is a favorite dodge for right-wingers.
There are strong parallels between our current response to COVID and Reagan’s response to AIDS. Read this thread.
Open the thread and read the whole thing.
I’ll break this into two parts:
Barftastic? Mary Trump is apparently going to release a second book.