Isaac Newton's Haircut

Jack Bishop, in The Complete Italian Vegetarian Cookbook, suggests using squash in a pasta filling such as “pumpkin” ravioli — and the scare quotes are his, which leads me to think that what’s labeled as pumpkin products often may not be really made from it.

It’s not stopping him, though. He’s still pressing on.

Now playing

Not enough screaming and fighting. This is more like it.

It’s exactly on-brand for him. Remember,

With all the attention going to Parler these days...whatever happened to Gab?

Lin Wood is also representing Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse, which brings me to:

Lucky for all of us, living has gotten so ridiculously expensive that people are forced to stay on career paths they don’t entirely love just for the sake of making rent, and Dr. Gilbert continued to get her P.hD in biological sciences.

He only now got it? That’s actually pretty amazing considering Kimberly Guilfoyle tested positive back in the summer, and people in Trump’s orbit aren’t exactly known for taking precautions.

It’s probably an ingrained, Pavlovian response by the reporters. Meaning it’s time to rotate them out and replace them with people who haven’t been on the White House beat for so long.

Reminder: this is also from Belgium (NSFW, even though it’s a cartoon and it’s on YouTube).

They’re showing the holiday plenty of love. Overcome with excitement, even.

Goldblatt warned Trump not to look back at the lasers during his grand entry, as they could do serious damage to his eyes if he did. Trump, reportedly, took Goldblatt’s warning to heart

The problem with “naturally acquired immunity” (echoing Sen. Paul’s words) is that it tends to kill a lot of people along the way. It’s effective if you’re lucky enough to survive, but I’d rather not trust luck here. Injecting people with a dead or weakened virus (i.e., vaccination) allows a community to to acquire

some sort of collective reckoning

Press, who now teaches in two studios in Westchester, New York, has a full schedule this week with two of his Bronxville classes so full that riders are being waitlisted.