Isaac Newton's Haircut

Guess what, she’s looking for a job. So she knows full well that Trump lost, but she’s still officially acting like the election outcome isn’t fully resolved yet. I don’t think there’s a fire in hell that’s hot enough to burn people like her.

In their minds, voter fraud (and BLM protests, and COVID infections, and hurricanes following their own paths, and, and, and...) are all part of a well-organized scheme to undermine Trump. A voter fraud gang having a website is perfectly plausible to that mindset.

Guess the FEC just wasn’t having it

The word that applies here is autogolpe—literally, “self-coup,” from Spanish. It’s when a country’s leader comes to power through legitimate means but then attempts to retain that power through illegitimate ones. The word was originally associated with Latin American dictatorships. Getting the military to back you

Remember the Southern strategy? That’s Nixon — or even Goldwater. It goes back way farther than Reagan.

This is how it’s spelled from the CNN link in this story. It’s a complete mystery how it wasn’t just copy-and-pasted with the American spelling.

Sorry, man, but I won’t have any joy until Il Dupe is hauled out of the White House on a wheelbarrow. There’s no telling what kind of chicanery he’ll try to pull between now and then.

centre stage

Well he’s very transactional; we all know this. He was a Dem during his days as a real estate developer not out of principle but only so he could ingratiate himself to the local New York politicians and bureaucrats and extract favors from them later. Switching parties when he found a new bunch of marks to fleece is

That gets into the territory of overall net worth. The two subjects overlap, of course, but this story covers only retirement savings (or really, only a subset of retirement savings, since there are retirement vehicles other than—and often used in conjunction with—401(k) plans).

$42k is where people are, 3x is where they should be. The two aren’t related except that the actual savings is much less than the ideal one.

In this case, average is the mean. The median is much lower. (data)

No. There’s a huge gap between where people are ($42k) and where they should be (3x your income, whatever that may be).

You’ve been told wrong. You need to consolidate all these accounts into as few plans as possible (maybe one traditional IRA and one Roth IRA?). It will make keeping track much easier.

DQYDJ (short for “don’t quit your day job”) has a chart that covers all retirement savings — 401(k)s, IRAs, pensions, and Keoghs.

So, summary is the average values are consistently way lower than the amount you “should” have saved at that age?

Shocker: Trump’s Michigan Voter Fraud Lawsuit Is Full of Complaints About Black People, Uh, Voting

From here. BIG move towards Republicans in the Rio Grande Valley.