Isaac Newton's Haircut

He used to be a county commissioner, which is an elected office, and he’s now running for congress. I think that qualifies as being a politician.

Everyone thinks (correctly, I should add) he’s doing this because he can’t accept the idea of being a loser, but an idea just popped into my head that it may also be a matter of habit — Trump’s been using lawsuits to successfully gum up the works and run out the clock against his rivals since forever, and he’s

Ah, Dan Patrick, the same bozo who wants to sacrifice grandma to COVID so we can reopen the economy sooner. Never forget.

It’s not just the KFC farts, you know the place is crawling with coronavirus.

I’m not nearly as sanguine as you, and I don’t like that people are calling Biden’s win as “official.” The electors won’t cast their ballots until December 14, and Congress won’t count the electoral votes until January 6. It’s not really official until then, and Trump and his cronies have plenty of time to muck thing

For me, it’s not exhaustion so much as wariness about what kinds of dirty tricks he’ll try to pull between now and Jan. 20.

Yup. That paragraph reads very...fictional.

Good thing the Attorney General of New York State is still after him.

If you’re in the mood for a little reading, here are two stories for you:

So this has been making the rounds:

Sure looks like a bigger crowd here than the one at Trump’s inauguration. (via)

Now playing

Well, this came out, but by then it was probably too late.

Steward Rhodes

Exactly. That’s why originalism is such a popular battle cry for the Republicans.

In addition to the Texas Supreme Court, the case has also been filed in federal court, and we don’t know the result of that decision yet. It’s far from over.

You’d better light an entire bonfire, because there is fuckery afoot.