Isaac Newton's Haircut

Well that might actually come true, thanks to global warming.

Once again I must bring up Margaret Thatcher’s famous quote: “The trouble with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.”

Fraternal Order of Real Bearded Santas

COVID is Trump’s secret plan to kill all the blood-sucking, pizza-loving pedophiles.

Get a load of this:

In every photo of Barron I’ve ever seen, he always looks like “man, I don’t wanna be here.”

Remember this the next time anyone tries the claim that Asians are the model minority and don’t suffer from any discrimination.

Since a member of the patriarchy is going to win this election no matter what, it may be useful to think in terms of who is more likely to further entrench these gender roles and attitudes instead of as an all-or-nothing proposition. A vote for Biden is a vote against Trump, meaning you’re actively helping to defeat

NY Post is part of the Rupert Murdoch empire, so their legitimacy is at the same level as Fox News. Media Bias Fact Check gives them a “mixed” grade for factual reporting, which seems generous considering the five examples cited are: Mostly False (twice), False, Unproven, and Pants on Fire.

Oh, about that cease-and-desist? “I fart in your general direction” is basically the Republican response.

They’re also the pro-life party, but 210k+ COVID deaths are perfectly fine.

Imma take a wild guess: The Cosby Show (1984-1992)? OK, not the show per se, but its portrayal of an upper-middle class Black family probably reflected popular ideas at the time of increased Black economic power and a post-racial society. Today, we know these notions are more wishful than factual, but these visions

They’re not going down without a fight, though.

Never, ever, forget the Access Hollywood tape: “You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful—I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait.” The man is a sexual predator. What was once “locker room talk” is now an official campaign speech.

Bunker Boy has no room to belittle anyone for staying in a basement.

Worse than that. He actually thinks he’s Superman.

Doesn’t he still owe a bunch of cities for the cost of providing security to his rallies?

Is Dr. Siegel going to make Trump turn around and drop his pants so we can all gaze up his bumhole on live TV as a part of the medical exam?

Remember who he’s married to: Mike Pence’s press secretary Katie Miller. You think Mrs. Miller and Pence have been near each other in the last few days? And Pence still doesn’t want a Plexiglass divider at tomorrow’s debate (it was agreed upon earlier that Harris and Pence would both have protection, but no more).