Isaac Newton's Haircut

It’s neither about your politics nor about word nerdery. It’s more in the realm of polemics. I don’t think the word internment sufficiently expresses the heinousness or depravity of Trump’s actions. But then again, some people might think I’m a little screechy.

Well, I have the Oxford American Dictionary app on my phone, and it defines internment as “being confined as a prisoner...for political or military reasons.” My Webster’s app re-iterates this condition as an act during the course of war. I’m sure that in Trump’s (or Stephen Miller’s) fevered imagination we’re in a

-1 internment.

I’m sure Sec. Nielsen is thankful that Trump is only calling her on the phone in the mornings.

Can we crowdfund to buy him a RealDoll? I mean, I don’t think we can raise enough money to pay for a real human to have sex with him.

You are entirely too kind. He already looks like a cadaver.

Then let us all bow down to Don Jr.

QAnon believers think President Trump is working to vanquish these criminals with the help of special counsel Robert Mueller

Subpar is more like it.

Haha, yeah. Right-wingers love to toss out Margaret Thatcher’s quote “the trouble with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.” Wonder what they’ll think of Trump’s quote.

Maybe he’s a velociraptor.

Would it be too cynical of me to think that the Republicans who voted against this declaration did so not out of any conviction but only to appear principled while knowing full well that nothing will happen because there aren’t enough votes to override Trump’s veto?

Our family had a 1970s Maverick in green. It’s probably this color.

He’ll be crushed when he finds out Air Force One is a 747.

Of course it’s in gold. The worship of mammon never ceases with this guy.

This will be the new “one small step for [a] man” controversy for our age. I mean, If we really landed on the moon, that is.

That’s Adam Schiff. And Rashida Tlaib’s arm looks like it’s growing out of the middle of her chest.

Is that an Uber?

Is the hipster coffee shop in his mother’s basement? I mean, it is underground, after all.

Even if you are the most deluded Fox viewer....look at the fucking clowns around your president.