
Absolutely! Tenerife was the first thing I thought of. Amazing how many devastating crashes there were in the 70's.

Croggle is my new favorite word.

I am sorry for the abuse that you suffered.

Why the hell did he do that?

No he cannot. He shines from within.

I'm glad they lost. Hate the Marlins.

What the fuck is up with that hair?

That boy WILL be raped. That is not a joke.

My only complaint was that Michael Sam was wearing a shirt.

Independence Square


Fuck off you pea brain teabagger.

Keep up with this great reporting about Detroit! I love it.

That Slocum Glasshole is such a goat. She doesn't even seem self aware enough to know that she was being completely ridiculed.

So happy to hear this! The DIA collection is an irreplaceable treasuse for the Detroit area.

I've never been to Detroit, but it's been fascinating me since the 1980's when it began going downhill much faster. There are so many great signs of progress in the last few years that the media doesn't seem to want to talk about.

It is unbelievable that nobody cares about those damn parking lots but you and I. And, I've never even been to Detroit!

You can thank Bob Barr for the name change. Ill never stop calling it just National Airport. Barr held up funding for Metro until they changed all their signs and maps to reflect the new name.

You would think the Illiches would start building residential buildings on a few of their empty parking lots.

I am very disappointed that people missed your point. I blame the schools.