George P Burdell

Some context from a guy who was at the game: punt was muffed because Harvard player blatantly interfered with Dartmouth player receiving kick. Awful no-call that resulted in Harvard’s first score of the game (it was actually 14-0 Dartmouth when it happened) and was a huge momentum boost for Harvard as their offense

This is the school that just created a required course for all students in Patriotism where all students have to learn how to parade march, map reading, rifle marksmanship, rope systems, knots, and rappelling; clearing your browser of the gay stuff, proper Nazi salute decorum, blaming others for your problems, and

What the hell are “Christian liberal arts?” Interpretive bread breaking? Manger-weaving?

I went to a college like this for one semester. It is a very creepy existence. I had campus security follow my car 5 miles off campus to bust us for smoking cigarettes in a strip mall parking lot. We were 19.

This sounds like the worst place ever. It goes from lame to creepy to buzzkill and everywhere in between.

That wet dream would make mike pence sooooo ashamed. Would he confess it to ‘mother’?

The sword in the stone will belong to the super genius to whom it first occurs, “Athem-less!”.

You have to respect the USA, which was founded by people who no longer wanted to stand for “God Save the King”

Fantastic piece, and does an excellent job of accurately conveying the sort of racist micro-agressions that white America refuses to admit exist.

Challenging your country to do better is the best possible form of patriotism, expressing blind loyalty to a cliche is not.

Bingo. This is not to crap on the author at all - providing a loving home for these children is WONDERFUL. In the context of not realizing how racist her congregation was, well, welcome to the world of microagressions that PoC, and very specifically here, black people face. We’re constantly being told that we’re too

And that is white privilege in a nutshell. She had the luxury of being able to ignore it until racism touched her through her children.

I remember having a conversation similar to this with my husband during the election when it was becoming painfully obvious that Trump had won. I was completely baffled as to how people could actually elect someone like that, but my husband reminded me that I grew up near a military base in Maryland, went to college

I find these types of racist even more infuriating then just some redneck frothing at the mouth about brown people. These so-called Christians really think they are right and going to heaven while simultaneously being racists and bigoted.

I’d say it’s as hard to realize as your own accent. Until you go somewhere else, you might not ever notice it.

I live in rural NY outside Buffalo. It’s pretty amazing how racist you can become with little contact outside media coverage and the like.

The purpose of a church is not to judge but to act as support when things go wrong. It really should not be a place where you have to deal with racism.

I’m half black and I completely get it.

If you think it’s bad, go to the Third World. You will see gleaming, shining new churches with fancy vehicles and parking spots for the pastors.. and across the road.. dangerous slums with intermittent electricity and undrinkable water. I don’t get it.

This was beautiful. I hope your former congregants read this! The Evangelical church has become a vehicle for white supremacy, and more people need to speak about it.