The jerk coach is lucky he never fractured his hand...
The jerk coach is lucky he never fractured his hand...
this coach is a major league asshole...
In my locker room during lunch hour, one white smaller dude with a yuge prick strutted around post shower, and an older gay white man who left the pool early, shower & would sit on the bench with eyes at dick level. Everybody else normal folks...It seems that always, in all locker rooms, at least one well hung…
me also—it’s called hyper hydrosis...
‘the independent athletics department model’is a myth. First, every university in D I charges athletic fees. Second, only a few do not receive ANY money from the schools general fund...
yes... you must remember some of Denny’s poker buddies...
No written evaluations? no chair or dean on UofL campus could get away with that...
TJ & Rick should quietly fade away. They are both insanely wealthy. These lawsuits will surely make many lawyers rich, & they will pay their attorneys as UofL will pay theirs out of students’ & our pockets.. Problems—first, they believe they are going to beat the university who have rarely lost in a Jeff Co courts.…
In addition to their “scholarships” that include room & board, jockstraps getting a Pell Grant on me & my fellow taxpayers is bullshit. They are taking stealing taxpayer $$$ money from deserving students
Elmo Wright invented this schtick... not Icky
much ado about nothing...
Columbus for one. also Toronto & New York...
I call horseshit..... or the ref was betting the point spread...
Ah... Germany is the new leader of the free world. Who woulda thunk it...
If Beverly left the school & did not properly withdraw from ‘Rural Sociology and Life Span Human Development’, he screwed himself & got “F” instead of “W”
damn good post... fuck ‘em all...
Georgia Tech ranked #52—I call bullshit, damn bullshit...
I think a lot of people have largely moved on from speaking about Penn State in any sort of damning detail.
You are forgetting Baylor & recently University of Louisville...
Who gives Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority Board of Directors that kind of money to give away??? Cut off their funding sources!!! and then what poor sumbitches will get stuck with the bill...