George P Burdell

“I’m the ranking owner here,”

Their aim to keep growth is/was international. Mexico City and London games and I Don’t remember who dropped it recently (schefter?), but they’ve said they’re still planning on a team on a different continent by 2022. The thought is khan was potentially taking the jags to London. If (big if) they could expand

it could run in the family.

I am pretty sure Jimmy Haslam has a lower approval rating than that

Right? Has not a single one of these supremely rich people who, theoretically have to be at least SOMEWHAT intelligent, ever heard of “diminishing marginal returns”?

I was going to make exactly that point, the growth in viewership and revenue since the early 2000's has been incredible. Even with the slight decline in the past few years, every owner circa 2000 would have pushed their mother off a cruise ship to have this kind of growth over 15 years.

its odd to me that the owners and a lot of people in general thought this exponential growth was just going to continue.

I don’t know man, I bet Jones and Vincent get into it quite often. I can’t imagine this is even close to a one time thing

I was laughing when I read that and this popped into my head:

I’m astounded that Goodell is more or less the good guy in this situation, based on this information. How in the blue hell the Ginger Hammer pulled his head from his ass long enough to get a conscience on this I will never understand, but wow.

I had the same thought. Everything I have ever read about Jones makes it look like he gets his way becuase he says he gets his way.

McNair wasnt even an owner until 2002. He bought into a country club.

Goodell’s downfall won’t be his general incompetence or his wildly inconsistent disciplinary edicts, but simply lending a compassionate, open ear to players’ protests over police brutality and systemic racism.

They will claim that TV ratings are down because of it and ignore the bad football, lack of competent QB’s (leading to bad football), and huge number of violent, scary injuries as contributing causes.

There is no such thing as rank except in military. People who say they “outrank” you outside of the military should be teased.

It also puts you on the side of “stop complaining about police shooting black people without consequences.”

Even aside from the inmates remark the exchange with Vincent is pretty telling. To McNair, it’s him and the other owners who built the league’s value. Vincent, a 3 time All-Pro, had nothing to do with it.

This entire ordeal is pretty complicated, but I’m glad that we can all find common ground in saying “fuck the Cowboys.”

“I’m the ranking owner here,” he said.

I grew up a Dallas Cowboys fan in Buffalo Bills country. (Long and corny story about an uncle who told a tall tale about being Roger Staubach’s backup... even when I figured out the truth, the affiliation stuck.) I stuck with them through the sad final years of the Tom Landry regime, basked in the glory of the early