half the animals here wish it were the head of the person feeding them the watermelon
half the animals here wish it were the head of the person feeding them the watermelon
Have goth friends who are still drawing those bad boys on because they can’t grow anything back.
I’ve mentioned this before, but if you want to be a life changer for all those brow challenged ladies, tell them to try Rogaine for Women. After I got snatched brow bald by an inattentive esthetician I had years and years of trying to grow them back. I had to settle for getting very adept at illusion; powders, gels,…
On the note of tiny eyebrows, I seem to keep meeting ladies who plucked like crazy when they were younger and now can’t grow their brows back. So glad my mom was always telling me to keep my full brows. They might not look super slick and shaped, but I’m glad I have them!
If Fox News did a segment on the “myth” of wage inequality where all of the anchors got together and had to lay their paychecks side by side to openly see who makes what, and then watch the ones who make more try to justify their higher wage to the lower paid anchors, I would watch the shit outta that train wreck.
No, I didn’t take it that way at all.
Jorah founded Hello M’Lady.
In the books he’s, like, 12. So I’m grateful for the great reduction of ick factor at least.
I am TERRIBLE at doing my hair. I have ultrathin, flat hair that doesn’t hold a curl or hairspray or product very well at all. I can do three things: 1) leave it down (it gets really flat really quickly) 2) put in an anemic pony tail 3) put it in a tiny topknot IF my hair is cooperating and I have time to fuck up a…
As a Dad of a six year old boy I try to emphasize that he should be kind to everyone and girls are just as awesome as boys.
I don’t want to hijack the thread, because these stories are amazing (and almost uniformly sad). I have a request, though — I’m the father of a 9-year-old daughter, and I’m genuinely curious if there’s anything I can do to help prepare her for what’s coming.
Despite what MRAs think, I don’t hate men. I really don’t. I know many good, smart, kind men and I know there are millions more out there like them. I have a father I respect, a male partner I adore, men friends who mean the world to me. But when I read threads like this, I have to actively remind myself not to hate…
You get that the point of scholastic debate is that positions are assigned?
Latin, apparently.
Thank god we got Jaqen H’ghar back. So many things GRRM does well but he does like to tease with the fantastic bit characters, then just throws them away!
More sexy reprises I’d like to see in the future? GENDRY! For the love of god bring Gendry back. And then send him along to Arya, girl needs something pretty to look…
For a second, I really thought they were gonna troll all the “where’s the peen?” folks with an up-skirt on Titan of Braavos.
I’m not the only one that finds usual-faced Jaqen super super duper hot right? Right? I’m so confused because German-accented and red/white haired is not usually in the old wheelhouse you know? But, damn.
honestly the two most shocking things about this episode were: