You can expect to be hearing from my attorneys as well.
You can expect to be hearing from my attorneys as well.
It seems to be the unpopular opinion, but I agree that it is just unnecessarily cruel. I've spent my entire professional career in colleges and universities (not in athletics) so maybe I am a bit protective of college athletes. This just seems like senseless humiliation for someone who Deadspin would usually point…
There are 136 replies to this. Please tell me that I'm not the only one suggesting that we maybe act like human beings and not make fun of a 20 year old kid who had something hideously embarrassing happen to him on television? Maybe? Just this once?
Using the example of getting a teenage daughter to clean her room, Pink suggests starting by asking the person to talk about where they are on a scale of 1 to 10. For example, you could ask your daughter, "On a scale of 1 to 10, how ready are you to clean your room?" Once she responds, you can follow up with, "Why…
Dear Moms of All Politicians Everywhere,
SUSPECT #14, Charles thought they were the poisonous kind
More unpopular opinion: JK Rowlings is a bad writer, who relies heavliy on deus ex machina to keep her stories interesting, and made even the broad strokes up as she went along, resulting in her having to write herself out of corners, and it shows...
St. Andrews admits a huge number of Americans- it's piss-easy for Americans to get in, even though it's a fairly prestigious university in Britain and British students actually have to work hard. So rich kids who want an ~international experience~ and a good diploma but are lazy at high school FLOCK there.
Haha I don't think that's overly sensitive - just rational! I'm still bewildered at how so many of my fellow Brits are ok with the curtseying, titles, acceptance of innate inferiority etc, let alone people from outside the UK/Commonwealth.
I agree it does seem weird but there are a lot of Americans in St Andrews. I'm studying for a Masters there at the moment and a significant percentage of students are American (I've heard it estimated that it's about 1/6th), so much so that when you leave your house you expect to hear American accents. The town seems…
Tom Hanks' daughter went.
I'm trying to figure out why Americans should donate their money to a British university? There are so many other ways they could support higher education, in the U.S. nonetheless. (I mean, I know they all went to see the Cambridges, but why was it planned in the first place? Do we have fundraisers for Harvard in…
I hate to be the fucking dingaling that rants on about classism when everyone is clearly just joking, but plenty of people still use bunny ears to tune in to stations like CBS who can't exactly afford big personal DVD collections.
This is the first time in recent memory I've been proud of my country. Never worked a day in your life and you're trying to tell working people how to dress? Eat an inbred dick. If I ever met the royal family I would show up wearing nothing but a soiled diaper and an American flag pin. For freedom. (Not really, I'm…
That is the WORST Christmas story title I have ever heard! (Besides Olive the Other Reindeer)
We should name it OPI style:
I hope they got alla that poster-paint at Hobby Lobby, just because!
Man, having external genitalia sounds dangerous.