I don't mean to hate on Bennet, but it's just like "The cheese is cool and all, but yet ANOTHER dude that makes me want to watch him perform instead of inviting me to join?" But I've just been jaded by too many bad bands and shitty actors.
I don't mean to hate on Bennet, but it's just like "The cheese is cool and all, but yet ANOTHER dude that makes me want to watch him perform instead of inviting me to join?" But I've just been jaded by too many bad bands and shitty actors.
He types well for a 4 year old and I like how already the little missy gets to sit by passively while he does magic and battles robots.
I feel like this girl should start the "Stalker Baking Co." We'll stalk the shit out of you and bake a flight of delights based on your rocky past.
Satanists are seriously kicking ass right now. These people are trying to save our basic human rights. When it comes to Jesus, Batman had it right, "You either die a hero or you get resurrected and live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
Nope. See the Florida Constitution:
This is weird since, by all appearances, Florida and Satan would seem to be best friends.
I'm so glad you were able to come up with a comment
I loved the Brandy Cinderella....and the 1965 one with Lesley Ann Warren:
If I was more crafty, I'd make a yard sign saying "Put the Sol back in Solstice"
So I tracked down the actual complaint and Unilever is suing for false advertising under the Lantham Act, alleging that Just Mayo is not, in fact, mayonnaise. And according to the complaint, the FDA does define mayonnaise as containing an "egg-yolk containing ingredient." Which of course, Just Mayo does not.
The Norville debacle was my breaking point and disliked Today Show ever since. Now its just worse. Bring back news for 100 minutes then do fluff from 8:40 to 9.
I would even take Pauley/Bryant Gumbel, even though he's a humorless dick, he really didn't stand for the fluffy stuff (he hated Willard Scott for instance).
I watch CBS in the morning because im old.