
Good one! Yet when they added lots & lots of pictures, and made them move, was the movie better or worse than the book?!

Thank you for this refreshing pause.

Disagree. At least those had more words!

Had to laugh out loud. "Thailand is so beautiful that it made me take more photos of me!"

Nothing says "hands-on mom" like 24-hour a day nanny coverage.

What I meant was - In normal circumstances, for one human to beat another into unconsciousness, he/she would have to have a great deal of emotional involvement - enraged, defensively fighting for a loved one, threatened or so forth. Boxing calls for the same action - beat someone up- but divorced from any emotional

That looks like a costume from Game of Thrones.

You all are probably too young to remember this, but bit-time sports broadcaster, Howard Cosell, took a stand about the barbarity of boxing in 1982. Thanks to him, the rules were changed and it is actually less brutal now. It's horrifying to think of paying people who have no feelings about another person, or to

Me too. Why'd they even go in the first place??

Isn't shallow why we watch Outlanders? For excellent storyline, drama and dialogue, I watch Wolf Hall. For shallow man-oogling, I watch Outlander.

I had the same feeling! Other than their name, I didn't see Satan mentioned anywhere, although there were images. I think they use the name because it's the one way to "prove" they are a religion. It's easy to dismiss Scientology, but when your deity is one that is recognized by the majority religion, how it not be

Eighteen is not under-age, is it? Eighteen is adult, but unable to drink.

I think what bothers me more than the sex=bad character equation for girls is the fact that girls' characters are under the protection of men and boys. Apparently, we cannot maintain good character on our own, without the oversight of the patriarchy of fathers and male peers? Our character is at their disposal - to be

Madeleine - totally unfair combo of headline and teaser on the front page for those of us who have assiduously avoided these books and the movie! I saw "fart sounds" and "50 shades darker" and thought this a "funny or die" type satire. Like, he ties her up and farts on her or something. I totally clicked looking for

Wow - you explained that uncomfortable feeling I had about the Boltons. Perfectly said.

I came here to respond with one word: hair. But you described my hair issues. But, as an old, I get to add some fun news for you: your gray hair will be frizzy. Now, I have frizzy, straight, won't hold a curl hair.

I wanted to make sure you realize I wasn't criticizing you. I also have never dieted and identified that as a way I was different than other women.

Isn't it a shame that dieting/weight issues are in the category of "woman things"?

New hashtag: #Florida child

That was my first thought, too. Sweaty armpit hair and food service - nope!