
No. He knows the names of all body parts and how they function individually and together to make babies. He knows that it something for grownups, not kids. He knows how the male and female body look. He know that "sexy" is not an adjective that can be used to describe children. I think he is progressing in his

Stevie Nicks Bridal Collection!

I wish I could think of something you could do. Men often joke about meeting their daughters' dates with a shotgun, but the street harassment/environmental harassment is really the most damaging thing to a young girl. Better she has to negotiate face-to-face with a peer about how far she wants to go while on a date

I'm mom to a 10-yr old boy and I figure the best thing I can do to combat this struggle is raise him right! It is my greatest concern for him as he approaches puberty. I worry more about this than almost anything else about parenting right now.

I think Bronn is being nice to his fiancé exactly because she's his fiancé! He'll be nice until he's married and locked in to the money, then I think he's off to the brothels and bars!

Damn that Kinja!

Was just one of those all over spandex body suits that cover the hands and face, too, like you see at Halloween. It just came to me to make a "Bro-quah" as a way these men could be in public and not touch the horrible things that are women. It's just the opposite of a burquah. If I was any good at photoshop, I would

So true. So many ways in which it would be unacceptable.

Arrggghhh-photo won't load.

Ladies and gentleman, I give you the 'BRO-QUAH!" Problem solved.

Well,ok, Craig Ferguson! Name the time and place and I'll be there!

I'm with you on that. However, imagine the hew-and-cry "violating my religious beliefs" brouhaha that would result. Not worth it for the airlines or the TSA/govt to risk lawsuits. However, the prevailing opinion seems to be that their desires be accommodated because it is religious in nature. That apparently, makes

Y'all don't really think she's not gonna cheat, do you? Also, I'm betting her kids are staying with their dad. That's the only way that ridiculous grocery haul is going to last a week.

Thanks. It's been seven years and I still think about her everyday. I just don't see why everybody has to be so judgmental about all things.

I had a friend who died from cervical cancer at age 41. She fought it for 3 years. She reached a point in the last year where the therapies had damaged the lining of her stomach and intestine. No matter what she ate or how much, she not only couldn't gain weight, she slowly lost weight. Then, she died. The really

Maybe someone could put all the doilies together and make a tablecloth?

I have a number of quilts and crocheted afghans my grandmother made. (She lived through the Depression and War.) The crocheted things are all the most hideous colors, usually multi-colored, not a color scheme. Also, in very cheap yarns. The quilts are largely 1960's & 1970 polyester scraps, some in horrid

OH MY GOD! What is that?

Even before that, was the yellow LIVESTRONG wristbands. It was so trendy to wear them, it wasn't the awareness or fundraising. I worked for the American Cancer Society at the time it was big, and I actually had people calling to ask if there was a cheaper way to get them than the $40 that was being asked on Ebay.

Nothing will ever be as important and relevant as Cake vs. Pie.