Old person here (54). There was no IB when I was a kid (one-room schoolhouse, ya know the story). I was in my 30's when I first heard about it. I almost fainted - scared the poo out of me. There's no way I would do that in high school!
Old person here (54). There was no IB when I was a kid (one-room schoolhouse, ya know the story). I was in my 30's when I first heard about it. I almost fainted - scared the poo out of me. There's no way I would do that in high school!
So, it was a totally safe cake in a condom.
Yankee born and bred here and I know the phrase also.
Yes, it's a common phrase in the U.S.
I want Weird Al's hair.
Being an old, I didn't know what "bae" means. I looked it up. The first definition I found stated it is Danish for poop. Wow. She's either waiting to go to the bathroom or disparaging someone.....
I find the shaved eyebrows more fascinating than the hairstyle. Can anyone explain this fashion?
Women can be president, but I recommend they be required to be post-menopausal!
I think boys run hot!
I was always cold, cold, cold, too. Menopause made my body temp "normal". Now, I can be in a normal room with people and not be wrapped in blanket because I'm freezing. I've only had a few hot flashes, but they aren't fun, but I'm glad my regular idling temperature is warmer!
"Strong stuff from a man who represents the meth-addled crocodile emporium that is Florida!"
Kissing Potion! Another commenter has a photo of it below.
If I could just smell Tinkerbell one more time before I die. It will be my Citizen Kane death moment: I'll say "Tinkerbell" as I expire.
And wasn't Bonne Bell the first roll-on lip gloss? Remember the little glass bottles with a roller ball applicator like a deodorant?
Why, yes, sir. My windshield does need cleaning. Thank you very much.
no prob.
What? Are you new to Jezebel? Let it rip. We live for the off-color joke!
Like he said in the clip, we keep getting older, they stay the same.