
Really? Hmmm. Must have been fun getting them there!

I was expecting James Earl Jones pronouncing, "This WAS CNN".

Yah, cuz yogurt flavored like a Greek just isn't right.

For fuck's sake, don't google it. It's awful.

Said the man who doesn't have a teenage daughter.

Well, I was a lazy ass in high school, how'd I miss out on that? Oh yeah. Not rich.

I didn't know! Also, as CrosspatchThePig points out, lots of Americans at St. Andrews.

Yep - been there before, as a tourist accompanying a golfer. Spent a lovely day enjoying the town. I didn't know there were that many Americans attending, though! I think I'm just overly sensitive to the hoo-ha about "royals" as a staunch American. You know, along the lines of - I don't curtsey, I don't bow, don't

Interesting. I can understand engaging corporations that recruit there and certainly alumni groups, but I don't think Tom Hanks went to St. Andrews! I know there are occasional regional alumni events in states other than my school or my husband's, but it's still within the U.S.

I'm trying to figure out why Americans should donate their money to a British university? There are so many other ways they could support higher education, in the U.S. nonetheless. (I mean, I know they all went to see the Cambridges, but why was it planned in the first place? Do we have fundraisers for Harvard in

Star. Star. Star. Star. Christmas-bright freaking star in the sky makes the magi commute!

That's why it's so hot down here! And yet, Northerners flock down here. Everybody wants to visit Disney, I mean Hell in the summer!

So glad it's not Florida again! I click on these things just to see if it might be.

Thank you! Jezebel has entered the Twilight Zone!

You can tell how long someone's been hanging around Jezebel by the team pie/cake and the "Scott Baio ruins everything" references! I miss the Scott Baio brue-ha-ha. He and his wife were hysterically funny!

Guess she's team pie. What can she do with cakes, I ask? Let's challenge her to make a pie and a cake for selected people (me) and declare a winner.

Agreed! I'm on the agnostic/atheist spectrum and I keep my head down! It's hard being a non-believer, let along being a believer in something other than the Judeo-Christian god. Mostly, I just don't want to offend any friends/acquaintances, so I avoid discussing religion unless around people I know to be

Florida resident here. Bless their Satanic hearts. They aren't trolls. They are fighters for religious freedom (no sarcasm here, truly). If you want to mix religion and government, you'd better do it for all religions. Accept separation of church and state or don't. But the government should show no preference

But the money orders were all made out in Scotti's name the article says. So they don't prove anything about Cosby.

It looks like they used too much brow pencil and foundation, doesn't it? He's practically unrecognizable!