
Buddy, you don't have to stuff your cheeks! There's plenty for leftovers tomorrow!

"And, what would you have had him print?", she wrote with a waggle of her eyebrows!

I've always thought attaching "lady" to womens' sports teams was a way of implying "lesser". The thought process seems to be: "We are rough & tough Gators, you are refined, delicate Lady Gators". We have a 3-martini lunch, you are Ladies Who Lunch. I applaud Tennessee for this and hope all universities follow suit.

They didn't cut the worst line. The worst line is the title, "Do They Know It's Christmas?". Ethnocentric and condescending then, even worse after 30 years demonstrates their ongoing ignorance. No, they don't know it's Christmas. They aren't Christian, perhaps?

Our school district doesn't count kids out for religious holiday as absent. But, classwork does still go on. The number of Jewish students here is miniscule, so the schools don't close for Jewish holidays. Where I grew up, the demographics of the school was about 30-40% Jewish, so we did have school off for some

Thanks for clear info and research. Which is what I would have expected from a better conceived article.

I did not know that! BTW, I do love cheese, but it's not my nighttime craving.

I just found a phrase more cringy than the word "moist". "Night cheese". May I never hear those two words together again.

I like this alternative doll even better. Normal human proportions - imagine! I really hope she catches on.

I sense this is a safe place for me to make a personal disclosure. My name is Jennifer. My high school nickname was Jennireefer. At this point, when I can't show my yearbook to my son because of the notes from my stoner friends, I wish it had been Steve. It would be a lot easier to explain!

She looks like some kind of creepy, beckoning pedophile in this gif. What is that gesture supposed to mean?

Gotcha, Sherlock. But, if only the clothes mattered, they wouldn't be giving so much critique on styling all the time, would they? For example, one contestant changed the makeup between the initial review by the judges and the final show, because the judges didn't like it. It really isn't just clothes, it's fashion

Ok, ok. Don't get in a lather about my opinion not matching yours! It's just stupid TV. No need to get upset.

Amanda should have won based on her jewelry alone. She should have put more of her jewelry on all her models like they advised her to - it might have put her over the top.

I think that 99 probably feels she likes to make the less fortunate happy. She probably donates to Toys for Tots. She's not anti-poor-people-happy. They should just be happy somewhere else! NIMBY!

Asshole. (Meaning that's what I call Halloween Scrooge's, not you!)

I lived in a big-yard neighborhood at one time and was actually offended by the kids being driven by their parents from house to house in fucking golf-carts.

In my area, lots of kids from the richer neighborhoods go to less-rich neighborhoods for trick-or-treating. Why? The rich neighborhoods have really big yards, so there are long walks between houses, thus fewer houses visited in the same 2-hour time window. The neighborhoods with small yards and close together

Oh, puh-lease, Martha. Like kids are going to eat all sorts of "spinach and anything" foods! Not happening, unless you leave the vodka in the punch.

Much as we all like to make the comparison, children are not dogs and cannot be trained in exactly the same way as animals.