
Thank you. My best friend walked me through a panic attack right after by saying “It was a crime.” Over and over to ground me and make me feel like I wasn't making a big deal out of nothing. It helped. This helps. Thank you so much. I feel so much more empowered.

Right back atcha. Thank you.

Yes. The absence of memory is so hard. It feels violating in a way that is really difficult to describe. Thank you for sharing- I’m angry it happened to you, but I’m glad you had someone to keep you safe. I hate thinking that there’s more than one bartender out there doing this, but simultaneously, (even though

Thank you. Thank you, really. You’re right. I need to call the bar. I’ve tried to contact bar management so many times. I just can’t make myself do it. I’ll keep trying. I’m so full of self-doubt, especially after talking to the officer on the phone. My internal narrative is constantly: Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe I’m

Thank you. I hope your panic attacks become manageable. Re-framing my panic attacks as something my brain is doing to cope makes it feel like it’s less of a traitor, which is helpful, since I keep feeling like my brain is just a nervous asshole.

I don’t have the right things to say that will explain exactly how much your words are impacting me. Thank you. I’m- thank you.

Ok. That’ll be my first step, then. Thank you. I’m feeling more motivated than I have in a while. Having a game plan is super grounding.

That’s a perspective I haven’t approached and now I’m ugly crying and I blame you. Thank you for putting those words there. I might come back to that and read it a lot when I feel powerless.

I don’t think I knew that a trauma therapist was a thing. I have Kaiser, so I’m wondering if I can just ask them if they have someone that specializes in trauma. Thank you, so much. I’m going to start looking for one on Monday.

Thank you. I was worried I’d want to delete the whole thing because it’s so scary to be this vulnerable, but it is soul-affirming as fuck to feel like I’m being heard. Thank you for hearing me.

Thank you. I don’t know why I didn’t seek these resources on my own. I’m absolutely going to check these out. Talking to someone who has been through it is probably something I should have tried. I’m glad to know meeting with someone who had a shared experience helped you, that gives me hope, and I’m heartbroken you

Thank you. I’m sorry you have to speak from experience, but it’s extraordinarily helpful that you shared. Truly. Thank you. So much. I’m looking forward to the panic part being over.

Thank you. I didn’t know how affirming it would be to have someone tell me that I’m not crazy. Even though reasonably, I know I’m not, it feels really good to hear from an external source. (Also, hi, you wonderful human. I hope you’ve been well.) I have a therapist, and I have been vague with the story because- I

Content warning- Sexual assault.

Hey Jezzies. Hi. It’s been a while. I’m intentionally posting tonight when there’s a dicktillion responses already because I’m going to be vulnerable on the internet and that’s scary enough.

I haven’t been here in a long time. Partly because of exciting job stuff, but that was only the

On a camping trip as a kid, I read a Fear Street book about some teens in the woods hacking each other apart with axes and I soothed myself by deciding I just wouldn’t go camping or have sleepovers when I was a teenager so I wouldn’t be at risk of murdering anyone with an axe.

And then I did have sleepovers and my

Big ups to all my Crazy Lindas.

Good to know, thank you. I’ll tighten up what I share, too. I appreciate the heads up, friend. I’m sorry they’ve been coming at you.

ALSO YAY! Oddly, I was JUST thinking about your island/mermaid project ideas. I’m so excited!! I’ll keep my fingers crossed for the huge thing!!

.... I- I see what that sounds like, but

It is super nerdy and super fun. We just had our draft this past weekend. All it takes is you and a handful of your competitive friends with some spare cash and someone willing to tally points each week. We used The Nerdist guidelines last year, but ran into several interpretation problems and drafted our own set of

Right? Like, I’m lost for 9 MINUTES and I’m like