How do I get the POTUS to DM me some episode deets? I need to know who to play in my GoT fantasy league- I came in second last year and I refuse to lose again. Freaking Reek finally does something worth points in the last episode and I didn’t play him like a stupid asshole.
I just found out one of his middle names is Mungo. I also just found out that Mungo is a name that exists and similarly can’t stop laughing.
Breastfeeding stimulates oxytocin production which in turn, can/usually does cause contractions, but beyond that I’m pretty stumped. I’m amazed at her resolve. I would’ve clawed my face right off.
That sucks, dude. You’re so talented, and you work so hard. I hope it picks up, soon.
Here’s the artist! I don’t see any more Goldblum stuff on her page, but she’s got lots of great stuff.
They have a life entirely of their own. They flopped all the way on his forehead the other day, and it was like a crazy ear hat.
It was fun! Commissions/work slow right now?
Thank you! He’s very fancy.
Hey!! I’m good. I’ve been working a ton because I had a regular daytime acting gig for a while. How are you?!
You're a champ. Totally worth it, it's awesome.
It was SO GOOD. I don’t think I’ve said the word, “WOO” so much in my life.
Congratulations!! Your engagement sounds perfect and intimate and sweet and it sucks that your family deflated your enthusiasm so quickly. I hope they come around soon and get their shit together and celebrate with you. I hope you and your fiance enjoy your engagement!
It’s the time of year that I can listen to this song over and over while pretending not to cry! What’s your favorite Christmas/year end song? (I missed basically this whole week on Jez, so forgive me if this has been covered)
I hope so! He’s a Great Dane, so he’s scared of new things. I hope I can convince him to go outside, otherwise all that puppy poop is going to be a challenge. A very large sized challenge.