
Me too! I was reading some interview with her and they asked her about it, because it seemed like it might take a huge budget to do something that doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with the plot of the show or even the show itself and her answer was essentially, “It’s fun, whatevs.” Which I deeply respect.


Fucking terrible. I’m sorry. I hope you’re getting plenty of love and care. I’m sending good thoughts your way.

Holy shit! Her face while she’s doing it is the best.

Now playing

Me too. Did you watch any of her show, Super Fun Night? She ended (most/all?) episodes with a musical number and my love for her was solidified.

I just felt like we needed a full shot of Rebel looking fucking BOSS in this dress. ALSO HER BAG IS A CANDY. She looks like Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century went to a fancy party and I love it.


Spot on. Also, I used to work at a movie theatre in a tiny town that somehow, inexplicably, got Cory Feldman to do an appearance before a midnight showing of The Goonies. He wore sunglasses and white pants covered in rhinestones and now, every time I see his face, all I can think of is his white sparkly pants.

I hate this so much.

No matter how skeptical/pragmatic I am, mirrors still freak me the fuck out at night time.

My phone vibrated while I was reading and I straight up shrieked.
It doesn’t help that my friends and I did some EVP/seance bullshit on Tuesday (Which, I don’t believe in, but I REALLY WANT TO because I like spooky stuff) and stuff happened that’s stuck with me the past few days and I am super on edge.

Where’s Thackery Binx in all this? Most important question.

Oooo, he does have a distinct Spike-ness. Get it, Rudolph Martin.

This happened and I will be forever jealous.

An important and valuable point.

Well FWIW, I for one, have never seen Olivier Martinez in the same room as Bigfoot. I’m no conspiracy theorist, but it seems to me that “being from France” is an awfully convenient way to explain all those Sasquatch hairs and smells. Just saying, someone should dangle some meat or spread some deer urine around and

Also, A+ for Buffy Bot username/Spike love continuity combo.

I wrote him in, because YUP.

Get yourself a Vagina Butt and you’ve got something for everyone.