Hello America's Un-banned Ghost

I didn't even go to college, haven't stepped foot in a college classroom and I'm still 100% for cancelling student loan debt.


Ok, I’ll bite.

Yep. Every time the media would report polls of Biden being the frontrunner, it would just feed on itself that he was electable. Because if other people think so I must think so too! Good thing is, people are hopefully getting over him. But can we actually vote for someone we are excited for? Is anyone excited about

I am NOT willing to lose with Sanders. Another four years of Trump would be disastrous and the federal courts would be stacked with young uber conservatives with lifetime appointments so long it won’t matter if Sanders base gets under the tent. This is some of the same thought process that lead Sanders followers to

in the 2018 midterms it was reported white, suburban women increasingly “fled the Trump party”

Bloomberg-stan says what

Can’t speak much for Klobuchar, beyond the fact that she fails my Rule #0 for candidates whom I will support in the primaries: “Do you define yourself as an ‘adult in the room’ because you regularly tell your ostensible voters that they can’t have what they’re asking for?”

I can empathize with her disdain of Buttigieg.

Socialist may poll badly with older voters, but Sanders still nationally polls higher than everyone, AND polls higher than Trump in head to head even when spoken of as having “socialist” policies. 

I mean, if you look at the satanic temple’s fundamental tenets, Satan could actually be pretty darn good!

Yeah, I don’t get that quote either. The point isn’t that calling him a Socialist might hurt his feelings, it’s that it will help mobilize the MAGAites to vote against him.

If we had a National Popular Vote this would be a great point, as is what matters could end being who can carry the states won by moderates in 2018.

In terms of “the word ‘socialist’ polling EXTREMELY badly,” describing Bernie explicitly as a socialist has a negligible effect on a Bernie/Trump matchup (from winning 47/41 to 47/42). Meanwhile, calling him a Democrat hurts him way more (though he still wins 45/43)!

That’s what kills me. These zealous supporters bullying everyone is not helping Bernie at all.

This. I’m a foreigner so I don’t get to vote but having grown up in Europe where socialism is accepted as part of the political mainstream, that is not the case in the US and a good chunk of the country - including a good chunk of the Democratic Party - is scared of socialism and so brainwashed they’d rather vote

I’m not surprised, because my comment didn’t make a whole lot of sense. Don’t drink and comment, folks.

Second this. We must be ever vigilant with our tongues AND fingertips. We win by winning hearts and minds. When people rebuff your advances and Bernie’s platform, leave the invitation open and try not to write anyone off. As long as we still draw breath there is hope that beliefs may change. 

Believe me, I get it. One of the most pernicious aspects of our setup here is the tendency of movements to shrivel once they enter the realm of electoral politics, jettisoning demands, conforming the battlefield to the slimmest conceivable margins, and spinning these profoundly small victories as the sum of what’s

It's the boy who called wolf effect. The GOP has been calling every Democrat, no matter how right wing, a commie since the 90s at least. It's background noise at this point.