You misspelled “racetrack”
You misspelled “racetrack”
They don’t work on metric roads.
That’s what I was thinking! A couple years ago I nearly got to go for a ride along on an F-15 (they had two available rides for media members and three of us applied, so they drew names from a hat. I was the odd man out) and as long as I survived it with no major long-term issues, that’d be a hell of a story to have!
I’ve gone back and deleted quite a bit, but I’ve been online for over 20 years now - I’ll never track down all the sites I’ve uploaded pics to or where I’ve vomited out my feelings to strangers while including identifying information.
That’s probably about par for the course.
Border Patrol is seeing a record number of large groups of illegal immigrants trying to cross our Southern Border. FY 2017: 2 groups of 100 people or more. FY 2018: 13 groups of 100 people or more. FY 2019: 100 groups of 100 people or more and counting.
Yah a ton of this is outright racist bullshit. the rest I bet a five minute search on snopes would debunk.
A simple Google search of one the copy pasta above sent me right to the Epoch Time, a pro Trump clown journal about as reliable as Fox, Breitbart and Infowars.
Well, I mean, procedures are procedures, no one is above procedure.
Or denied him a first class upgrade
the joke getter has logged on
How much you want to bet they still made him wait for his boarding group number to be called before he could get on the plane?
I’d push the attendant call button then hide.
It was never magic, and calling it that was probably the most disrespectful thing the leadership of BioWare and/or EA ever did along the way to this and similar stories. The “BioWare Magic” can easily be summed up as extremely capable and experienced developers with a strong vision of the product they are building…
Why do bigots LOOOOOOOOVE to pretend that they’re oppressed?
I’m a gun owner. The NRA is bullshit.