“After the two girls got into a fight about cigarettes and abused an elderly lady.”
This comment... is wild to me
Remember that most new car buyers aren’t so... particular... as those of us that frequent a car blog :)
maybe they should build a better car?
Why would we have to convince him that he did something everyone already knows he did?
I suspect the AG will almost immediately proclaim the report a wash and confirm “no collusion”, which Trump will then bray throughout the 2020 election and beyond.
By that logic, GMC shouldn’t exist either.
their endgame is a separate white nation-state
Evil makes people ugly, but it keeps them alive.
Just remember that a “21% increase” in the likelihood of an unlikely event such as early death makes it....still pretty damn unlikely. If you have a 0.1% chance of early death, and you drink 2 sodas per day, you now have a 0.121% chance of early death.
At the point when the AARP ceases to be one of the most powerful lobbying organizations in the country.
It’s because of her involvement as the VO Actress. They even have rules about what they can and can’t say using the character voice. She was on an Overwatch podcast and they were planning on a thing where listeners had sent in things they wanted her to say as Sombra and she shot it down.
I guess if I’d thought about it I’d have realized that the drive-thru is always listening, but it never crossed my mind until last summer when I was stuck a few cars behind a large order or two. The car ahead of me had finished ordering at least a minute previously and was still waiting when the speaker suddenly said,…
Whoa! whoa! whoa! Get those facts out of here! Our President got opinions!!!
Damn near every post he has written is on the politic BS (communism, Regressive Leftist, so on and so forth) crap.
I’m a left winger my entire life
“inviting God’s judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at Him and say, “We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage””