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    (white dude here) until the past couple years, this story would have sounded like a horror movie plot to me. Or maybe a “one in a million” freak incident. Turns out, a hundred horrific videos a month later—nope, I haven’t been living in the country I thought I was for my entire life.


    More like Air Dayummm Shipping Covers amirite 

    Sidebar, somebody has to dust that thing 

    That’s a funny way to spell halfway successful. 

    It’s not quite The Purge, but it just may work...

    You speak of the before times. In the long-long ago. 

    ...wait you said add the rockets to the car? Oh. Oh, sorry, boss. Um —

    I remember literally being taught in school (having moved around a lot, it was particularly strong in the South) that “types of government” were on a linear spectrum.It went:

    It choked on the electric razor lodged in its throat? 

    You’re the vomiteer Gotham deserves 

    A cheaper creeper for lofty peepers

    A cheaper creeper for lofty peepers

    “What are your thoughts on gun control?”
    Hate it!”

    Tell them to stop using them and make their own, then. 

    We have a lot of dealer networks based out of MA so they transfer cars all the time to their NH dealers so technically we kinda follow by association.

    I have some issues with the idea of calling for preemptive cancellation based on a trailer/pre-release info and little else...we’re passing final judgement on first impressions, and it’s not like it’s unusual for early trailers to completely miss the tone/feel of the actual show. If the people involved had a bad track

    The reporter was immediately beaten and dragged off to a United black-site. 

    I’m scared and I want to go home