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    Competing rules as in rules that contradict each other. If they are not mutually exclusive (as with the current CA standards vs. federal rules) then this is a non-issue. Good try, though.

    Are we just gonna list stuff until someone says “no” to one and then we can have a big gotcha moment?

    You’re completely incorrect about what’s happening.

    I caught HFMD a couple months ago -- ironically my most likely source was visiting my doctor’s office. It was goddamn horrific. It’s like Chicken Pox fucked strep throat and their offspring hated you personally. Worst part was the chills in the first day or so--I was shaking so violently I pulled a muscle. 

    Hit pucker factor five at “thirty percent.” Maybe that’s normal for cars (where 30% is still thousands of dollars), but over here in the tool industry I’m going “JEEZUS that’s not gonna cover R&D.”

    After already flipping the vehicle over, the bystanders realized that trying to remove the person was too dangerous given their condition and waited for paramedics to arrive.

    *Advertising exec bursts into engineering department, sweating*

    I agreed with you, dood. I was mocking the idiot you responded to. 

    “This article is about an idiot...but it could also be describing me...well the article must be wrong, that’s it.” 

    Same diff...

    So 2, then 

    Is that a trilby? Give it to me. Yeah, I’ll fucking wear it. My shame died years ago.”

    Canada: one person gets a wee bit embarrassed, police put out a PSA

    Ok I take it all back -- I’ll lie about a Chevy to pay off my student loans 

    Don’t label me

    Let’s be constructive here. Clearly the marketing department lacks the correct word for these...devices. A new noun must be forged in the crucible of English.

    That manages to be two coupes while the mercedes manages to be none coupes 

    “Why did you do that”
    “I am a young man of Italian descent