Wait, I am a ladyperson and I have been known to do this. =(
Wait, I am a ladyperson and I have been known to do this. =(
Center for “medical” “progress”
*insert “you keep using that word” gif here*
French doors!
Yup. You didn’t buy yourself a grade - you bought yourself a seat. N ext time turn in a paper that doesn’t still have the blue highlighted goddamnWikipedia links copy-pasted and maybe you’ll earn the grade.
Right? Like their most famous hit is about being addicted to meth. Blue has songs about sex, unintended pregnancy, shooting a guy and then having coke-fueled sex, and evolution/inter-species fucking. (no of course I don’t know all the words to all the songs on both of those albums) Not exactly standard Republican…
But that’s just how it is, donchaknow! Ice fishing, racism, salads made from mayonnaise and marshmallow fluff...
My stepdad was the same (though white). The most honorable person I’ve known. He wouldn’t let his officers accept free meals, because they were part of the community, not above it. Defended a rookie cop against a higher-up county cop who was threatening him. (rookie pulled the higher-up’s wife over for speeding. She…
As someone above described, Williams syndrome is a possibility.
Best research we have to date indicates that suicide is usually an impulsive act. This is why we have suicide hotlines... if you can get a person to hold on until the impulse passes, they won’t commit suicide. Having a gun handy enables the impulse.
Shit, I’d be bitter. Screw that Diefenbaker guy.
No it’s not. EKG is the old spelling from the German root - kardio instead of cardio. EKG and ECG are the same thing. You may be thinking of an electroencephalogram, EEG, which measures brain waves and is also diagnostic (if you’re lucky), not a treatment.
Like the Duffers, from Narnia. =) So wrong, so convinced they’re right...
There’s a bacterial meningitis caused by Haemophilus influenzae b - which can be vaccinated against. The Hib shots are given at 2 and 4 (and sometimes 6) months in the US. No evidence that this poor child had Hib disease, but it is one type of bacterial meningitis that can be prevented.
Clearly airplanes have never existed in Canada.
Ugh, yes, this. They are literally saying that their convenience is more important than other people’s lives. I am willing to bet they’re the same folks who show up at the ER with a hangnail and bitch that the guy coding in the next bed is getting seen faster.
Right there with you on the throat-punching. I can take over when your hand starts to hurt. My mother-in-law has schizophrenia. She’s better now that she’s older and her kids are old enough to help out - she still has delusions but holds a night job - but my husband’s stories from childhood are heartbreaking. And the…
Indeed. Jesus-wise, they’re doing it backwards. It makes more sense to allow innocent fetuses to go straight to Heaven, but leave sinners more time on earth to repent.
The thing that’s wrong is that none of the umbrellas work. If the Jesus umbrella kept out the rain then there’d be no need for any others underneath.
I get what you mean. And you’re right. The question has never been whether a z/e/f is alive... of course it is. The cells are respiring, dividing, doing the stuff living cells do. But that doesn’t *mean* anything. They’re just doing what a scadzillion other cells on the planet can do, from archaebateria to human…