
I always tell mine that they don’t need to make excuses to me - if you’re sick, stay home, take care of yourself, and don’t infect the rest of us!

Aww man, I missed this one. Ah well. It was my wedding. My bridesmaids lived all over the country, so we mostly kept in touch via phone and email. And then one just... didn’t show up. Never said anything, never told me in the nine months of planning that she didn’t want to do it. I finally got got her to answer her

I got suspended in the fourth grade for doing just that. ;) (Fuck you Mrs. Renshaw, the magnetic and geographic poles are NOT in the same location.) =P

This summer I had to derail our cross-country family road trip to hunt down a pharmacy along the route to pick up a refill on my patch, because I'd left the ones I'd just picked up at home next to the suitcase. I know those feels. =)

Or like my friend, who had her Pill Alarm set on her phone. Reminders are easy!

Same here, except I'm 33. I think it's very normal. Humans like security but we also like novelty... the way most societies are set up allows one or the other, but not both at the same time, and "real" adults are only allowed the security end of it. *sigh*

"Abrasive" is a word that is almost solely applied to women. In men we call that "assertive." Ponder that word choice.

Woo Huntsville!

Yay! I was beginning to lose hope, reading the other comments. I was Best Maid for my friend, and in June he will be my Man of Honor and his awesome wife is my bridesmaid and everything is just lovely with the four of us. It *is* possible to realize you're not right for someone and to end the romantic relationship

I did it! It was terrifying... if you search "woman proposing" on google, all the hits are like "don't do it his balls will fall off!!!11!" Mine said yes, so it can indeed work. He's still got his balls and everything, and a pretty ring to boot.

Jeff Backer and Torrey Westrom, ugh. And Colin Peterson, even as DFL, has not shown himself to be at all progressive. We're pretty much fucked out here in western MN.

Yes. Oh yes, that is enough. "I am not feeling it" is enough; you don't owe anyone a relationship. "He breaks walls and my things" is a million more than enough.

So, so, so not your fault. Good partners realize that their partners aren't perfect, and give them room to be human beings. Abusive partners make every human "imperfection" into a fucking nuclear war.

So, so, so not your fault. Good partners realize that their partners aren't perfect, and give them room to be human beings. Abusive partners make every human "imperfection" into a fucking nuclear war.

So, so, so not your fault. Good partners realize that their partners aren't perfect, and give them room to be human beings. Abusive partners make every human "imperfection" into a fucking nuclear war.

Both my mom and I get this so bad it feels like a heart attack. Milk works wonders. Then I chug some of that chalky stuff out of the bottle (measuring doses is for the weak) and take a lot of Prilosec. Pepcid works well too, if prescription meds aren't an option.

I'd say your parents are doing all the work of ruining your relationship.

Tiny-ass southern college 2003, Penn State 2011 also invites "Princeton mom" to stfd and stfu.

Not sure, but I would guess that it's a comparison to who are the victims of assault as a whole. The MRAs are always quick to remind us that men get beat up more often than women (neglecting, of course, that it's generally at the hands of other men), so parity in gun violence indicates that violence against women is

It's like they're trying to convince themselves they're not rapists... hmm...