Lol. My celebration for getting my doctorate was my mom saying "and now you can finally have babies!!!!" Ah, yes, at last I can do something worthwhile with my life. =P
Lol. My celebration for getting my doctorate was my mom saying "and now you can finally have babies!!!!" Ah, yes, at last I can do something worthwhile with my life. =P
It's freakishly warm here in MN right now. I am kind of jealous. I moved here from the east coast and everyone warned me about how awful Minnesota winters are and I bought my supercoat and fleece underthings and smartwool socks and a balaclava... and now THEY are getting the crapload of snow. I feel cheated.
They probably didn't think they needed one... other rapists who have video evidence against them have been declared innocent.
Admission to the big parties. At my college, you couldn't get in without a greek ID.
Yup, it's prostaglandin.
I've used this argument, and it's the only one I've ever found that left them stuttering with a blank look on their face as their brains try to parse "but guns! but uterus! but jesus! but guns!"
It *is* as horrifying as it sounds. First-born hyenas often die during birth because it takes so damn long to make their way out through the vagina-clitoris. The following kids generally make it out okay, though... because the first one tore a big enough hole. =/
You must chew them better than I do... I love chomping them shells and all, but oh my it's like shitting needles.
Do you tell people? My OkC guy and I are planning a wedding for next summer, so a lot of people are asking for the Love Story. The real story goes something like "I liked his profile so I wrote him and he responded and we went out and then never stopped." But when I tell people I met him online, they sort of freak…
That's always fun! We did dinner at my aunt's boyfriend's house in Richmond Heights, because my aunt's house is in Woodson Terrace and that was just too close to those "thugs and animals" for my family's white peace of mind. =/
Already crying, brb.
Everyone in my family has/had a happy second marriage. I just say I just got my first one over with fast so I could move on to the good one. =)
Yay! I almost went with a blue Tadashi. Might still, if I don't find something I like that my mom doesn't hate. =)
Not going to sleep angry is *terrible* advice. I had an ex who would always pick fights around eleven pm and then would get super pissy when I'd start falling asleep around 1am because he still wanted to fight. Probably he realized that if we slept on it, I'd realize the next morning what stupid fucking things he…
Your cat has an *amazing* judgy-face. I feel guilty through the Internet, even!
It's gotta be business or Philo. Women in STEM don't wear power suits. I don't think I've seen anyone in STEM who wears a suit, except to conferences and then only the grad students.
I'm way the fuck out in Morris, but this is worth the three-hour drive.
omg, there is this amazing place in AdMo in DC... don't remember the name of it but I am suddenly regretting moving to Minnesota. I think the closest place to me now is a three-hour drive into the Cities. =(
Ahhh, OM! Loved that shit. Anyhoo, to keep it fair for teams from smaller/poorer schools, there was a limit on how much you're allowed to spend on your project. Scavenging was highly encouraged. IIRC, most of our budget went to duct tape and spray paint.
Kinja is awful on my iPad. Typing is really really slow, it hangs up, and often crashes Safari. Typing has always been frustratingly slow, but the rest is new.