I let my apartment get into the mid-80s in the summer, and power still ran me $180/month. In Maryland. (screw you, BGE)
I let my apartment get into the mid-80s in the summer, and power still ran me $180/month. In Maryland. (screw you, BGE)
Faidley's, kids. Because it's not a real crab cake if you don't have to push past drug dealers to get into the restaurant.
She loved you that much, but you clearly didn't show her the same respect. Throwing a fit until your wife capitulates to your demands isn't love.
I'm really enjoying my Unemployed Boyfriend. He just got his MS and is applying to All The Jobs, but also cooks and does most of the cleaning. (And writes things that get published!) I don't want to share the cooking and cleaning! If he felt better about himself, this would be perfect. =/
I'm really enjoying my Unemployed Boyfriend. He just got his MS and is applying to All The Jobs, but also cooks and does most of the cleaning. (And writes things that get published!) I don't want to share the cooking and cleaning! If he felt better about himself, this would be perfect. =/
I'm really enjoying my Unemployed Boyfriend. He just got his MS and is applying to All The Jobs, but also cooks and does most of the cleaning. (And writes things that get published!) I don't want to share the cooking and cleaning! If he felt better about himself, this would be perfect. =/
Yeah. There's a big difference between "I am a creative brilliant person who is just under-appreciated! I will be the next George RR Martin on my first try!" and "I write like crazy, have gotten short stories published, and have an outline for a novel."
If you're roundabouts Baltimore, I have an awesome lady allergist!
So what if you have all sons, like my mentor did? Her name doesn't get passed on.
Your story made me puke a little bit. She CRIED? And you were OKAY with this? WTF is wrong with you??
I did exactly what you are planning to do, and my maiden name disappeared. Forms don't have a space for a second middle name. People ignore it. That maiden name, for all intents and purposes, ceases to exist.
You just magically organized my closet. Thank you!
This. People have this idea that you Just Magically Know how to take care of a baby. It's not instinctual. Even animals have to learn - those raised in captivity often have terrible parenting skills. But people get so freaking offended about the idea of taking a class, as if keeping this delicate, helpless, totally…
Wasn't there a Taylor on Full House? I wonder if those years line up...
We were outside St. Louis. Hello, fellow Misery-an. =)
This is EXACTLY why myself and the BioFrog get along so well. =) He cooks, I do laundry.
Bro, trolling is *totally* a Millennial thing. As the kids say these days, ur doin it rong.
I dunno. In the 80s and 90s (in suburban Missouri) the 7-Eleven cashiers would sell my elementary-school-age self cigarettes and beer for my dad. I was always disappointed when I did finally attain legal age that nobody bothered carding me.
It's the Gender-Neutral Names for Girls boom. Hunter, Taylor, Dylan, Aidan, Jayden, Kaden, anything that ends in "-aden," etc.
My sister does that. First-degree relatives, she'll tolerate Katey or Kate from. Everyone else, it's Kathleen or you get the evil eye.