
Don't tease me Dodai! I WANT to see that pic but am at a public place. At the end of the dirtbag I almost forgot about it, and now reading this, all I can this is the Hamm sausage. Not helping the article I need to finish. Argh....

and then some more, please.

But after you see it, can you un-see it?

I would like to promote this message. Don't buy pink crap, donating for finding cure is important but having a good health system - even better.

Ooh thanks for that link! I will try it. What you have described is exactly my point. Knowing your size doesn't mean anything because every brand and every style is different. You really just need to go and try. I have heard so many times from professionals that they don't have my size but up a band size and down a

Yeah, that professional crap is bullshit. I was measured, my size is exactly what I thought it was and bra are still uncomfortable as shit to me. ALL of them. And on the 6 months, probably suggestion brought to you by the nice people at Trimuph, bras are expensive, there is no way I'll throw them after 6 months, and

I hate most of it! yay!

I totally agree.

They are wonderful! LOVE guinea pigs. why did I choose my stupid cats? (don't worry I love my cats but every time I see those noses I regret not having guineas instead).

*nodding in approval*

and this

you got this

not sure if THE CUTEST but still - SQUEE!

They are a crafty bunch.


My boyfriend's mom says that there's a saying in German: you can always trust children and dogs.

Can I get a universal eye-role for Kelly-it's-fun-to-be-rich-Osborn?

God I'm also hooked, and now a break till January? What the fuck?!!

All I have to add is that I love Maggie Smith so much.

In other news: shoot me, shoot me now.