
Blizzard should just scrap OWL at this point tbh. Literally every week we find out another player is a garbage human being, clearly there is either something wrong with their screening process or something wrong with the general population of OW players.

He tweeted out that his building was okay within 30 minutes. How long did it take for him to acknowledge and then gloat about California’s wildfires, again? Over a week?

Why couldn’t he have just used the term “firefighter” instead of “firemen (and women)”?

The fact that he had to point out how well his building is built, despite someone being seriously injured tells you just how egoistic this maniac is.

If only it turns out there was a dumpster involved in the fire, the metaphor will be perfect!

Unconfirmed reports is the flaming debris consisted of campaign documents requested by the special council.

Settle down Beetlejuice, he only said your name once.

He’s the Trump of MMA. He’s an unapologetic clown and a racist and a moron who wallows in his own vapidness....But he’s white. And that’s specifically why so many people like him and why he’s impervious to consequences.

This is better when you realize that McGregor has become the deranged heel with flawed logic about things, but in real life. Who thinks it’s acceptable to not defend a title for two years?

We’ll update this post if we figure out what the hell’s going on.

Even better, you use the door hinge and glue to attach the ipad to the cover of your laptop so it can be swung up so you have a touchscreen above your builtin screen.

There is no way a door hinge, stick of hot glue and ‘small curved mirror’ cost $1!!!

I’m guessing projected server costs exceeded projected revenues?

Uhh... the cartridges ARE a real limitation and storage has a real cost that somebody, either the publisher or consumer, has to pay.

Reminds me of when my high school gave iPads to Sophomore students (I was a Senior at the time). Nothing but endless sessions of Happy Wheels. One kid in gym class used it as a baseball bat. I dunno what they expected.

Seriously. It just goes to show how ingrained “crunch time” has become that people in the industry think of it as a natural disaster or something. Boy oh boy, isn’t it surprising how we keep having to work around the clock at the end of projects? It’s totally not the result of poor time budgeting and management in

I was in the industry for eight years. Everybody is expendable, at every single level. All the more reason to unionize.

Obviously we need to start arming the 13-year-old girls.