Don’t forget Reach in MCC on PC.
Don’t forget Reach in MCC on PC.
Don’t forget Reach in MCC on PC.
It’s not an “excuse”. For them to have two entirely separate variations of every map (since I’m assuming the night/day stuff is merely some parameters) would be fucking ludicrous. For every change they make in one version of the map they would have to attempt to replicate in the Chinese version, and probably fail. And…
Another 18-year-old from New York wrote to Cruz telling him to keep his head up: “No one else is dealing w/ your demons, meaning maybe defeating them could be the beginning of your meaning, friend.”
He wouldn’t be mad about Epic posting these, but about the 100's of clones using these assets which comes afterwords.
Seeing as how Japan got the good D2 commercials, it doesn’t surprise me.
Welp, if there was a chance that the homeless guy could get out of his financial situation, it’s gone now.
The issue comes in that, yes, there is new ways to make money and the missions are fun, but the missions also require multiple people to play, and those other players are screwed out of their time for a penny. Expensive planes that require several days of grinding are unacheivable to all but the ‘leader’ of the pack,…
How does that relate to anything?
Yes, having a laser-based distance sensor in the bottom of the mag would work, but it would also be too inefficient for the gains. With the added expense, fragility, size, and weight per magazine, as well as the added complexity of transmitting the data to the gun to read the ammo, it all just gets too much to justify…
The main complaints is that the game plays and feels more along the lines of an unstable and niche $30 title than a AAA $60
Is that a challenge?
You are who you pretend to be.
Did they not learn from the mistake that Blizzard made with Sombra?
Sometimes the culprit is arrested, sometimes they use throw-away numbers, sometimes they are in areas outside of the police’s jurisdiction (such as in a foreign country with loose police standards).
I give no sympathy to these fucks. They exploit and abuse the systems to find their own fame and game, and should of either stopped or been taken down long ago. While some of these things they release may be good, the way they abandon them while actively preventing and punishing attempts to save them overrides any…
GTAV needs a clothing overhaul. Entirely. From the ground up. Many accessories are unavailable (despite being IN THE GAME), randomly unlayerable (Why can I not wear a balaclava and a gasmask?), buggy at best (Helmets/Masks in heists, or in air vehicles, or in some specific vehicles, and it’s fucking irritating with…
Support and hype. It’s hard to keep on working on something without encouragement, especially nearing the end of it’s development.