Oh yes! Thanks so much for the heads up! I saw the first episode and missed the rest for a time for various reasons, then I was too scared to watch the later episodes knowing I missed a huge chunk of the first bit.
Oh yes! Thanks so much for the heads up! I saw the first episode and missed the rest for a time for various reasons, then I was too scared to watch the later episodes knowing I missed a huge chunk of the first bit.
Not that I am aware of, unless they just recently decided to do this. It's part of the EULA for Origin that they can scan your hard drive. I believe Steam's is limited to just the games you have installed through Steam.
Don't need Origin to play TOR. Don't even need it to download the game.
You aren't forced to use Origin for TOR unless you're downloading it through Origin, last I heard. Unless you're talking about downloading it through the client, which I have no idea why you would want to do if you don't like it.
Silly double posting.
This is going to be a little difficult without spoiling anything, but here's a try:
It's in the code for a version that wasn't supposed to be released. We aren't really supposed to be looking through either, are we?
Not entirely related to gaming, but...
I like the decoration around the d-pad. Wish they did something similar for the buttons on the right, as well.
Actually, I think the guy in the background should be the PC consumer.
From what I can see of it, it's like an assault rifle with a bayonet on it at the back. Then, they said, "actually, screw the rifle, just put another sword on the top of it." So then the sword got...covered with a sword...sheathe looking thing?
I think I actually fell in love with the game when I /was/ saving Malik. I mean, I liked it before, but it was just this weird moment where I stopped and thought about what I was doing.
Pretty much. With all the different races and different lineages of those rages and genders of those lineages of those races...it would just be overwhelming for them to deal with. Shepherd is just a human - male or female, so it doesn't require as much work. When it gets boiled down to less choice then they add the…
Boo. I'm not sure what to tell you, then. I might be more inclined to get Dead Island if you had the friends willing to buy it. Space Marine's demo was really good, but I'm not sure if it will have any lasting appeal after I beat the campaign.
I was just trying to change it to something else this morning, too! Kotaku is kind of weird for me lately.
Have you tried the demo for Warhammer yet? That might help you decide.
I barely remembered anything about Mass Effect 1 when I played the 2nd one, so you'll probably be fine. Usually anything that happened that was important to plot they mention and sort of explain in ME2 when its relevant.
No, you aren't. Sometimes I even forget it exists. It's not like I have a grudge against the game or anything - it just doesn't seem to be doing anything different or interesting to help me remember it as "that game with the thing". It's pretty hard for me to be excited for something like this.
Not sure why this was needed. I wasn't even saying the DRM was a bad thing in this post.