Blizzard also made it so you needed a constant internet connection to use this, much like with the game itself. It's almost like they're rubbing our noses in it...
Blizzard also made it so you needed a constant internet connection to use this, much like with the game itself. It's almost like they're rubbing our noses in it...
Unless its under $20, I would pass and try the first one. DA2 was one of the worst games I played this year, almost as bad as Mindjack.
Thank you for the speedy reply! I hadn't touched the game since a month or so after I bought it, so I was super confused about what this CS2 talk was about. If it is the 1.04 update, then I believe it downloaded for me the other day. I wasn't sure if I needed to buy all the DLC characters or something for the CS2 to…
Okay, thank you for the clarification. I can finally stop feeling like I'm missing something.
Random question I've been meaning to ask someone - what exactly is it with BB:CS2? I'm not sure I understand it right.
I'm not sure I understand. With Ubisoft, my problem was, as you said, that the constant internet connection wasn't adding anything to the game and made it feel like a bad decision to purchase. They restrict the times of which I can play it.
Eh, I stopped buying Ubisoft games when they began to pull this - and those are everywhere. Passing on one or two games per decade from Blizzard shouldn't be /that/ hard.
Oh God. I can't believe they would do that so close to release. Thanks for letting us know, at least.
Thanks for the heads up!
The game itself is totally worth the money. Like Firescorpio said, though, the DLC seems a bit over-priced for what you're getting. I guess it all depends on how hooked you are on the game.
Sounds interesting! I'll be sure to check it out now. Thanks for the recommendation you two. I've been looking for something new to watch so this is perfect.
Is Columbo really that good? I keep seeing it in my recommendations list and think about giving it a shot but I never have. What do you like about it?
I would love one! Thank you for doing this.
Oh yeah, for sure. I had the chance to watch G4 again yesterday (I haven't been able to since they took it off DirecTV), and I was all excited to get a chance to see X-Play or something. I checked the TV Guide to see when they came on and literally from 10a to 6:30p was a show called Campus PD, which is basically…
I have to admit, at first I thought you were just being rude. Then I looked up and read his username again. It clicked, and now there's tea all over my desk. Nicely done.
Awesome! I ran through Cold Stream with some friends shortly after the achievement was put up on Steam. It has improved a lot since I last played it, but I still just don't like some parts of it - like the never-ending zombie horde rushing through a dark tunnel while the survivors are being pulled towards said zombie…
Already touched on this in TAY, but I got the chance to play through Alan Wake so I dusted off the ol' 360 and started through that. I picked up The Witcher 2 from the Steam sale the other day and was having a blast on that, so I'll probably continue that if I manage to beat Alan Wake tomorrow.
I don't have the mouse, but I looked at Google ("razer naga double click") and found this walkthrough on how someone fixed their mouse. If it doesn't post correctly, its the second link from the top and the third post in the thread. Hope this helps!
Geeze, that guy sounds like a real nut job. Sorry you had to deal with that.