You’ll have to buy special tickets to access the Nintendo portion of the park... but because they’re unsure of the demand of American theme parks, they only ordered enough special tickets for 50 people.
Wait... they even named a bridge after Brooklyn? This thing is going too far. =.=
Nothing major, sure. But let me give one example of an even smaller tweak that serves as a good metaphor for the entire update. At the end of a given race, the game now defaults to the "next race" selection on the menu screen instead of the highlight reel, which it did originally. Switching to another menu option is a…
I think they started from a jealous/scorned ex-boyfriend earlier this week. This is all kind of... too much, though. I have never seen anyone care so much about sex they weren't even involved in.
Hey Tina! I enjoyed the review, and it's great to see that you're having as many memorable moments with the game as I am. It's been ages since I've played a game that felt so intense and satisfying. ^^;
I like yours more, if it's any consolation.
If I remember correctly, in the Gamecube version, you had to talk to your Gyroid to save and quit. In the DS version, I think you had to go to bed or talk to the phone next to your bed or something. I'm honestly not sure about City Folk, since I never played it.
Thanks for the mention! I'll very quickly mention, though, since I noticed that there wasn't a link to my article, if anyone is interested it can be found here.
Oh my gosh. Have you shown Habboi that Hat Girl one? These are great!
There's a third option, "I don't buy consoles, anyway," which is coming in at ~6% right now.
First I heard of it, so I just Googled it. Got this: totally fantastic. I'm almost in tears from hearing that. DnD stories can be some of the greatest stories ever at times.
I obviously didn't play as much of it as some of the others on here did, but I liked what I got to play of it. Kind of wish I stuck around for more, but I guess it's too late now.
I'd trade Anders Breivik for a T-Rex skeleton.
I went up there when I played yesterday, but became overencumbered before I could look for much. I'll probably try to go back up there today and see what I can find. I put one of those stones there that lets me teleport to it, but I need to try to get a ferry stone for fast travel. Or I guess I could just suck it up…
I think one of my favorite moments so far (although it was infuriating at the time) was when I was killing a large group of goblins on my way to a bandit camp. There were enough of them that it was kind of easy to get swarmed, so I had to dance around the larger blobs and try to pick off anyone that was going after…
I would be lying if I said I knew. I picked it from a large group of icons from a random site because it reminded me a bit of Julia from Tribes (apparently, I had completely forgotten what she looked like at the time).