They’re already running tv ads for the new season of Baskets
They’re already running tv ads for the new season of Baskets
That’s all he needs! (Raucous laughter)
Well, Mel Gibson, like, got drunk, said some slurs, then yelled at someone.
I look forward to the next Oscars being an even bigger shitfest than usual. Slightly OT but I think Dunkirk has a good chance of winning now. It’s solid filmmaking that isn’t grandstanding or provoking or trying to push an agenda.
Nothing about her X-Men DOFP director Bryan Singer? Not that she’s his...type
“Filming began later that month in Montreal, and was completed in October 2017.”
I wonder if this had anything to do with the recent Fox-Disney buyout rumors. Fox knows its only a matter of time before its entire X-Men series* is tarnished by Singer, so unload it while they still can.
Well here’s Bryan Singer for when that nuke goes off:
Because they are still going to run 17 different articles, thinkpieces, and clickbait about The Last Jedi during its week of release anyway, because any pop culture website that isn’t covering Star Wars is going to quickly find itself left out in the cold. It’s having your cake and eating it. But their review is going…
“Like Rosenberg, we will still be writing about Disney releases, like the upcoming Coco, Black Panther, and Star Wars: The Last Jedi.”
I always thought it was a little weird that Brandon Routh basically got NO lead roles at all after playing the lead in a movie that made $200 million, even if it was considered Disappointing. Compare it to Chris Hemsworth who is still getting gig after gig despite having zero box office presence outside of Thor, and…
Brandon, I am one of the world’s great method actors, and as Lex Luthor, I am required to know everything about Superman. EVERYTHING. Now lose the towel.
I’m seriously waiting for Brandon Routh to let us know about how Spacey was very hands-on with the Superman costume fitting
Hey, Richard Dreyfuss isn’t that bad.
I’m assuming 2016 will be a foreign pick as I can’t see any standout mainstream action movie.
YMMV I guess. At this point, putting him as the Big Villain in a superhero movie screams low-rent, uninspired casting.
Yeah they have a little advantage in that most people wouldn’t necessarily recognize him without a little prompting. Just cut a new trailer removing his title credit, take him off the poster, and grin and bear it.
This charmless lug again? How many time has he played a villain? FIND SOME NEW ACTORS!
OK, so, seriously, career over? Will Spacey ever act again? Who would hire him?