Oh shit, you know somebody is planning a Bad Moms vs Daddy’s Home comedygeddon crossover
Oh shit, you know somebody is planning a Bad Moms vs Daddy’s Home comedygeddon crossover
So relatable!
Well there are those make-up commercials she does. Oh and the Enterprise commercials. Also, the dishwasher commercials.
The Barb’s big toe article is actually scheduled for tomorrow.
To be fair, Tony Montana did say this town is like a great big pussy...
Hey, I like the show. I’m an 80s kid too. I re-enacted Ghostbusters with friends, and got frustrated at Dragon’s Lair. But Twin Peaks this is not; the show is as deep as a puddle, there’s zero subtext or hidden meanings, and most of these craven click-beg attempts from every bandwagon-jumping pop culture website at…
American Made was great! You should check it out.
Eh, I still only go to 2 or 3 a month even with the moviepass. I’ve seen people saying “I see so many more movies now that they’re free!”, but, really? What’s your time worth? Dogshit is still dogshit. Watching a Miles Teller movie costs you in other ways.
I...would not.
Ever heard of overkill? Is there a corporate mandate that there must be four new Stranger Things articles on the front page per day? I like the show just fine and all, but this constant internet regurgitating and overanalysis of EVERY little thing completely puts me off. It’s just a silly show about kids and monsters.
Like a Kevin Spacey movie? (Adjusts tie, crowd groans)
Seems kind of polite to refer to Clooney’s effort as “soft”...? Unless I’m overlooking anything obscure, its the biggest disaster of the year - the lowest wide release opening all year for anything involving alleged A-listers. Any bullshit movie can earn $5 million just from random people showing up at the theater and…
Interesting deflection. Possibly trying to steer the narrative more towards “He’s gay!” than “He’s a pedo!”
Now you’re making me think about how Brandon Routh got that role :/
This is worse than that time I got “mugged” in a London park at 3am!
“Siri, please list non-extradition countries I can fly to tonight” - possibly overheard at Bryan Singer’s house
Will Saudi Arabia have her stoned to death if she says something blasphemous?
Money Monster.
Huh, they made more Frontier...aha, and putting it out right after Jason Momoa is in Justice League, well played.
Uhh, you probably want to mention A Simple Plan instead of, like, nameless veteran cop.