
Another comment said it’d be great if ESPN took a stand and did something like blacklisting him. That’d send a powerful message

YES! ESPN would benefit hugely by taking a stand. That’d send an awesome message.

I wish you weren’t alone... I’d boycott them too but I don’t watch sports to begin with

If only we lived in a world where the law applied to the rich.

I was outraged as I read this on Digg, till I saw it was from gawker. You’ve been wrong on too many causes. Uva rape, gamergate, the girl who said she was raped and carried her bed around. You keep listening and believing and frankly you’ve done it too often to trust anymore.

Well admitting we get it worse would shatter their entire narrative right from the start.

No they haven’t. Unless you’re using guilt by association in which case you get associated with the bomb threat. It has to work both ways afterall

Your side is the only ones caught doing that. Both Zoe and Brianna have posted screenshots of threats, while still logged in as the person who made the posts. Zoe was caught posting her own threats on wizardchan according to the Admins. Brianna posted a thread on steam targeting herself while still logged in as

It did come though...

I’m not sure which sides you’re referring to as antigamergate has been transphobic, exclusionary, bullying us out of con’s, and certainly has not been trying for equality.

I’m glad you said two.

No they haven’t actually.

Following yours and this site’s lead, you are now a terrorist.

There’s been zero evidence threats came from gamergate. Never stopped this sitesite and many others from claiming otherwiseotherwise even when the people involved said it had nothing to do with gamergate

It’s ok when girls do it. Zoe and Anita have doxxed multiple people.

You're new to gawker. A single incident means every lion is a terrorist. If the photographer was female then every lion is a misogynist. Unless the lion is muslim, then you're an islamaphobe for bringing it up.

Gawker is a cess pool too. Well, the authors anyway

Agreed. Other sites are already using her death as a weapon against gamergate, blaming them even after the victim’s friends call them out on the lie

That’s my trigger, shitlord

He means disclosing things like how Patricia was promoting her roommates games. Legally, disclosure is required.