
Not the kind they’ve been pushing

It means not promoting your roommate’s games and pretending there’s no connection, as Patricia did on this site

You’ve regularly tried to do the same though.

But the same can be said about the antis. Anita Sarkeesian, Zoe Quinn, Brianna wu have all bragged about doxxing people who disagreed with them. Zoe has sabotaged two charities and had tried to swat people.

How would you prove most aren’t?

If kotaku were actually ethical you wouldn’t have allowed Patricia to promote her roommates game.

For once you guys seem to be on the side of artistic integrity. I’m curious where you draw the line. Only art of a certain kind?

Pyuuri tan, that’s cute

Stop mocking Anita Sarkeesian you shitlord!

Actually they asked for it not to be pirated according to a more complete translation.

And I’d love to give it but mobile won’t let me effing paste on ninja...

But miss “kill all men” gets to decide?

Actually they are pretty offended on twitter. No, they can’t take a joke

Because it has to do with gamergate and kotaku would never point out the hypocrisy of someone on their own side cause it would demolish their narrative. No one in GamerGate says kill all women.

Actually no, he’d be disgusted that you’re missing his point. He didn’t mean some offensive things are ok but not in others, he meant in all cases. The joke wasn’t trans misogynist

The first tweet posted it’s a white guy doing just that. And he takes credit for getting the poem censored, says it makes him a good person too

That’s the interpretation the writer gave

In your rush to your torches and pitchforks you got the target backwards. He was mocking the man who killed himself, not the one he slept with

In your haste to get offended you got the intended target backwards. He was attacking manly men by his own admission. But don’t let reality get in your way

The writer said the joke was attacking men whose entire identity revolves around being a manly man. You got the targets reversed in your haste to be offended