
No its not important. If it was, that’d mean every other problem has been solved that matters

Portraying imaginary races is easier. No one co.plains that they got the hair wrong.

Just saw that scene a few minutes ago.

Id love a Zelda maker.

And those rights have been consistently violated repeatedly, and every high end rape covered by this site ended up being a hoax. That’s why this is needed. Jezebel/Rolling stones/etc has cried wolf too many times

So they don’t deserve due process cause of their race and gender? Even after so many high end cases ended up being hoaxes?

Even when do many huge cases ended up being hoaxes? It took two years for gawker to apologize to one


They’ve received a lot of harassment over it, so yes.

“The impact this has on raising the profile of victims is invaluable”

And so is anyone who likes those games, and if you disagree, prepare to be insulted EVERY week for 11 months

How could you link to an admitted pedophiles article? Is that what gawker is promoting now?

When we stop getting oppressed we’ll be sure to stop “whining” about it. Marriage is just the start.

In surprised they didn’t say it was to spite gamergate

I came to say the same thing

The wage gap was debunked long ago. But if it did exist I’d imagine it’s cause 97% of accidents/deaths on the job are male. Hazard pay.

But it’s a-ok to kill men en mass

The tired-ass cliche of writing realistic criminals?

You’re talking about people who think the female protagonists in e3 are to spite gamergate, even though the games have been in development longer than gamergate has existed for, and there’s less female protagonists than last year

You don’t like female protagonists now? Misogynists