
I am pretty sure the Ten Commandments is going to remain the best Bible movie I will ever see. Because Yul Fuckin' Brenner.


Them's fightin' words with the Snuffaluffagus hate! He was my favorite Sesame Street character. Back then Snuffaluffagus was only seen by Big Bird, so there was this great subplot on Big Bird's presumed insanity.

I suspect like me, you are deaf in one ear?

Yes! This song is so ridiculous and so singable. I caught myself singing it while giving my 7 and 9 year old boys their bath the other night. Prompted lots of awkward questions...

Came to post this. Kudos, sir.

Wanted to confirm this was posted, thank you for confirming my faith in io9! I shouldn't love that song as much as I do, but it's just so darned catchy.

My biggest problem was every scene.

Went from 1st season love to last season HATE.

I bet kanarr tastes sort of like Jaegermeister.

Whilst I do hold a dim view of humanity
I'm anti military and pro an entirely new society. Perhaps ushered in with the help of a few guns and like minded individuals.

I say the guy who told you I was the mole is the mole.

Brotherhood of the Wolf

I have literally seen very single one of those. You forgot "Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins".

I'll add stuff like:

Is this one not quite up to cult status?

I think you're a little off-base here, but not too far off. To the best of my knowledge, the "gaze" is a philosophical concept rather than a poetical one and generally refers to a relationship of power differential between the one who is watching and the one who is being watched (incidentally, the word "blazon" is the

Could I propose another, though I guess it's really a subset of #4:

I'd never heard that myth about the Medieval era. I _had_ heard the same thing about ancient Egypt. Is that also a myth? (I do know that the "beer" from back then was more like alcoholic oatmeal than what we would consider to be beer these days.)