
An alternate take: Honor Harrington is David Weber's conservative right-wing fantasy about the Napoleonic wars in space, filled with stock characters, tropes, lazy writing, horrible puns (the leader of the French analog is named Rob S. Pierre) and goes on forever with no end in sight. Much of his writing is wish

Alternatively, spunkbubble.

+1 for "cuntbubble".

Look, it's pretty simple. If we're wrong, nothing happens! But if we're right, and we can stop this thing - they will have saved the lives of millions of registered voters.

thats just like, your opinion, man.

Conan the Barbarian (1982)

"We've gone on holiday by mistake."

I see someone posted Ghostbusters (1984) below, but couldn't be arsed to make their post searchable, so here goes:

I will proceed to place this Mike Judge masterpiece right here and back away.

Now I want some fried chicken.

Now playing

The amount of wrong in that image is hilarious! Thanks for sharing :)

I'd link some Oglaf here but it's probably not apropos.

You should check it out. You get a John Hughes film and one of John Candy's best films all in one.

That's Uncle Buck.

Since you mentioned Vangelis, I just want to plug that the 666 album (when Vangelis was part of Aphrodite's Child) is one of the lesser known but mind-blowing masterpiece albums of all time.

I actually re-watched the original Conan a few days ago and I've been looking for an excuse to post this pic. Just look at that magnificent bastard. From the very first scene, where he hypnotises Conan's mum with his puppy-dog gaze right up to the final confrontation, where he points out that his actions are all

What about all the lands to the east and south, like Rhun, Utumno and Far Harad? I've seen "speculative" maps that chart out that territory, like the one I.C.E. did for their 1980s RPG, which adds Africa and Asia-sized landmasses to Tolkien's official geography.

The soundtrack elevates this movie. It is pure bliss.