
What I love most about the deleted scene's is how they are basically unfinished 1970s film, and you can tell, and there is a warm fuzziness about that sort of thing that always hearkens back to my childhood. Probably just me. As you were. :)

Does the Doppelganger know how to write? Quickly?

For a proper control, they really shouldn't have chosen to conduct the experiment in a refurbished mental hospital built over former viking cairns.

The Batman movie really is a classic. I still try to work "some days you just can't get rid of a bomb" into conversations.

How this man got peak Julia Roberts to marry him.

"She develops a fascination with the idea of imperfect sex..."

seriously, where the hell is my sock?

What was the Lorax and why was it there? And why was it lifted and taken somewhere from the far end of town where the grickle grass grows?

This is a MotU/X-Men teamup in my headcanon.

No love for:

All Hail the mighty Glow Cloud!

On Amazon it's called Super Secret Time Warrior

Tasha "Don't Accept Food From This Woman."

"Here's the real question: is there such a thing as a perfect, non-moving point in space? "

That our electric grid (one of the most important engineering accomplishments of the 20th century) is pretty damn vulnerable, and if it goes out completely, no one has any clue whether or not we'll be able to start it up again. Because of the interconnected nature of a grid that stretches across the US, we've never

Wait, is that Ed Lover, or did Dr. Dre forget to take his green coffee bean extract?

Whereby the above may be true for those who believe in the Bible, this has absolutely no bearing on those who don't. Where some of us may beleive what is placed in the Bible, there are those with religious beliefs other than Christianity and also those with no religious affiliation whatsoever. Demanding that

Thank you! As a feminist, straight male an a domestic violence victim (ex wife), I am constantly facing down the idea that only I and other cis males are capable of rape, assault, abuse, and intimidation.